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Project management

8.073.13 Project management
Qualification awarded : Master in project management
Entry year: 2016
Program duration: 1,5 years
Number of credits: 90 credits ECTS
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: Second (Master) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA second Cycle
Field(s) of study: Management and Administration
Specific admission requirements: Entrance examinations in specialty and foreign language.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: The full implementation of the curriculum and defense of Master's Thesis.
Characteristics of the educational program:
To provide students acquirement of deep theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and understanding related to the management of projects and programs in material (non-material) production, which will enable them to effectively carry out the tasks of innovative character of an appropriate level of professional activities that focus on research and solve complex problems of design and development of information systems to meet the needs of science, business and companies in various industries.
Gained competence:
– main aspects of terminology usage in projects and programs management;
– principles, processes and peculiarities in projects and programs management;
– main methods of project analysis;
– organizational structures of the project team;
– technologies and tools of project management;
– principles and methods of project activity evaluation.
– acquirement of methods of observation, description, identification, classification possession of projects and programs management;
– ability to use professional knowledge, ability and skills in the field of project management;
– ability to use skills and knowledge for project management problems solving;
– organization of activities concerning to planning, implementation and adjustment of projects and programs;
– ability to form and select project's alternatives;
– ability to use software and information technologies in project and program management.
– ability to demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the basic facts, concepts, rules and theories of project management;
– interpersonal skills related to the ability to interact with project stakeholders;
– ability to adhere the corporate culture to achieve goals of project.
Mode of study: part
Academic mobility: Based on bilateral agreements between National University "Lviv Polytechnic" and the Technical University of Ukraine. Based on bilateral agreements between National University "Lviv Polytechnic" and schools partner countries.
Work placement(s): Scientific research practice.
Programme director: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate professor, Professor, Head of the department of Management Technologies, Ilchuk Pavlo Hryhorovych, +380979428325, pavlo.g.ilchuk@lpnu.ua.
Occupational profiles of graduates: Job positions in projects management and programs in organizations of different ownership and legal forms areas: project-oriented organizations, investment and construction companies and organizations engaged in development of real estate, financial, expert-analytical, consulting and auditing companies, divisions of competitions and tenders of public administration and local government.
Access to further studies: Further training programs for all Ph.D. field of expertise 07 "Management and administration".
Other program features:
Institute: Institute of Administration and Postgraduate Education