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Chemical technologies of inorganic substances

7.161.01 Chemical technologies of inorganic substances
Qualification awarded : Master in chemical technologies of inorganic substances
Entry year: 2016
Program duration: 1,5 years
Number of credits: 90 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: Second (Master) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA second Cycle
Field(s) of study: Chemical and bioengineering
Specific admission requirements:
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements:
Characteristics of the educational program:
Gained competence:
– theoretical basics of chemical technologies of inorganic substances;
– modern technologies of inorganic substances acquisition;
– constructions and operating principles of up-to-date production equipment of inorganic substances;
– chemical and physical-chemical analysis of raw materials, intermediate products and output in the inorganic substances technology;
– modern automated control systems of technological processes of inorganic substances synthesis;
– structures and functioning of industrial enterprises of inorganic substances technology.
– design and development of up-to-date technology of inorganic substances synthesis;
– control and monitoring of technological processes of inorganic substances production;
– selection of optimal parameters and optimization of processes in chemical technology of inorganic substances;
– development of normative documentation in a field of chemical technology of inorganic substances.
– ability to use professional-profiled knowledge and practical skills for solving particular tasks in a field of chemical technology of inorgnic substances;
– ability to analyse available technology and form requirements for perspective technology development of inorganic substances;
– ability to apply a systematic approach for the development of technological objects of inorganic substances acquisition.
Mode of study: full
Academic mobility:
Work placement(s):
Programme director:
Occupational profiles of graduates:
Access to further studies:
Other program features:
Institute: Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies