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Metrology and Information-measuring Technology

6.152.00 Metrology and Information-measuring Technology
Qualification awarded : Bachelor of Metrology
Entry year: 2017
Program duration: 4 years
Number of credits: 240 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: First (Bachelor) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA first Cycle
Field(s) of study: Automation and instrumentation
Specific admission requirements: These are absent
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: The full implementation of the curriculum and defense of bachelor's qualification work.
Characteristics of the educational program:
Training the Bachelor of specialty "Metrology and Information-measuring equipment" combines the compulsory (basic scientific research and organization of science, pedagogy and methodology of teaching at high school) and selective subjects of humanitarian and socio-economic training with advanced studying the courses of professional with intensive study of courses of professional training (higher mathematics, physics, software, information and measuring equipment, fundamentals of metrology and measurement technology, foreign and Ukrainian languages, electrical materials, theory of electrical signals and circuits, methods and means of measuring electrical parameters, design and manufacturing technology of measuring instruments, etc.), courses of other educational programs on student’s free choice, as well as compulsory and selective courses for the certain professional specializations "Metrology and measuring equipment", "Measurement ensuring the tests and quality of production", "Quality, standardization and certification "," Information technology in instrument manufacture", "Devices and systems of precision mechanics ", “Nesting of software of measuring means” This makes it possible to prepare professionals to address a number of urgent tasks in automation and instrumentation, which provides for traceability, development, implementation and operation of information-measuring devices, facilities and systems as well as in the branches of different information-measuring technologies The total volume of the training program of specialty - 240 ECTS credits, including compulsory modules of: compulsory disciplines - 120 credits and selective disciplines - 120 credits.
Gained competence:
1. acquisition of basic ideas about the foundations of philosophy;
2. acquisition of knowledge of national history;
3. ability to analyze and decide on economic strategy and tactics;
4. ability to understand cause-response relationship of society and the ability to use them in professional and social activities;
5. acquisition of basic knowledge of the fundamental branches of mathematics and physics to the extent necessary to mathematical apparatus of specialty, the ability to use mathematical methods and physical effects in their chosen profession;
For the practical line "Metrology and Measuring Equipment"
1. acquiring of basic ideas about fundamental concepts and terms of metrology and measurement technology, organization of metrological service in Ukraine;
2. acquiring of basic ideas about physical units, their reproduction and storage, standards of physical quantities and theoretical foundations of information and measurement technologies;
For the practical line "Devices and systems of precision mechanics”
1. acquiring basic knowledge of theories and techniques required for understanding the functional purpose and principles of construction of mechatronic devices and system;
2. acquiring knowledge of components, parameters and characteristics, principles of construction and operation, the calculation of standard electronic units mechatronic means designed by using analog and digital circuits;

For the practical line “Metrological assurance of testing and products quality”
1. Ability to analyze technical level of metrology software, to develop system of automation of metrological support of measurements;
2. ability to choose methods and means of measuring, testing and monitoring, to carry out experimental research of products, processes and to process the results;
For the practical line “Quality, standardization and certification”
1. ability to apply legal technical framework for implementing the requirements of technical regulations in international trade;
2. ability to accredit conformity assessment bodies, test and calibration laboratories; to carry out activities of certification the processes, products, services and staff;
For the practical line “Testing of measuring means software”
1. ability of mastering the basics of object-oriented programming, verification and metrological testing of software of measuring instruments;
2. ability to develop a mathematical model of measuring means, to estimate their performance, presence of errors in them, including in software of measuring instruments;

Mode of study: part
Academic mobility:
Work placement(s):
Programme director:
Occupational profiles of graduates:
Access to further studies:
Other program features: None
Institute: Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology