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Cyber-Physical Systems Cyber-Physical Systems
Qualification awarded : Master of Computer Engineering on specialization Cyber-Physical Systems
Entry year: 2018
Program duration: 1.5 years
Number of credits: 90 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: Second (Master) level, 8-th level of NQF, EHEA second Cycle
Field(s) of study: Information technology
Specific admission requirements: Availability of a Bachelor's Degree
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: The previous level obtained in another country requires nostrification, which is held by Lviv Polytechnic National University. There is no mechanism for recognition of non-formal and informal education.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: The full completion of educational program and protection of Master’s qualification work
Characteristics of the educational program:
Gained competence:
- to describe the hardware and software components of cyber-physical systems;
- to describe the design, diagnostics and administration principles of cyber-physical systems;
- to describe the principles of hardware and software computer means architectures of different levels and purposes development;
- to describe the architectures, protocols and functioning principles of computer networks of cyber-physical systems;
- to describe the methods and means of the cyber-physical systems reliability ensuring;
- to describe the principles of scientific and practical problems solution.
- to carry out the design, development, diagnostics and administration of cyber-physical systems;
- to design cyber-physical systems of digital and mixed signal and image processing;
- to design structural, functional and circuit schematics of computer’s units;
- to design and debug software objects using the tools;
- to design cyber-physical systems and to provide their effective functioning.
- to analyze and research the methods and means of digital signal processing and cyber-physical systems diagnostics, and to choose optimal ones by specified criteria for cyber-physical systems development;
- to perform a comparative evaluation of different structures and implementation ways of the devices;
- to analyze the components features and to choose optimal ones for a given performance criteria for the problem solution;
- to choose tools for technical and software objects design problem solving;
- to identify, formulate, research and solve problems of the technical and software objects development;
- ability to apply knowledge in practice, to perform self-learning and continue professional development;
- skills of interaction with others, the ability to work in groups.
Mode of study: full
Academic mobility: No, but mobility is encouraged and recognized in accordance with procedures of ECTS
Work placement(s): Research practice on the topic of Master’s qualification work
Programme director: Associate Professor Salo Andriy, Associate Professor Oleksiv Maksym +380322582196, maxoleksiv@gmail.com
Occupational profiles of graduates: The specialist can perform the following professional work: 1. Technical specialists in computer engineering: The Operator of Computers 2. Professionals in the field of computer systems Developers of Computing Systems: Database Administrator Data Administrator Access Administrator Access Administrator (group) Task Administrator Systems Administrator Computer Communications Analyst Computer Systems Analyst Computer Data Bank Analyst Computer Systems Engineer Computer’s Software Engineer Computer Systems Designer 3. Professionals in programming: Computer Software Developer Software Engineer Applied Programmer System Programmer 4. Professionals in other areas of computing (computerization): Specialists in other fields of Computing Computer Engineer The specialist may hold primary positions: Electronic Engineer System Designer - Engineer Software Engineer
Access to further studies: Doctoral study programs in specialties "Computer Systems and Components", "Mathematical modeling and computational methods".
Other program features: Department of Computer Engineering The use of modern equipment and software of leading companies in the field of information technologies, including: Xilinx, Altera, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, Texas Instruments, Atmel, Analog Devices, Microsoft, Google.
Institute: Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology