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Accounting and Taxation
Accounting and Taxation
- to organize work aimed at obtaining new knowledge in the field of accounting and taxation, and based on the urgency and importance of the issue raised for an individual entity or for the national economy in general;
- to develop and implement individual or team projects in the field of accounting and control, guided by European values and accepted methods in such activities organization;
- to adapt the international experience in organizing and keeping records, the implementation of audit procedures and analytical comprehension of economic phenomena and processes to modern realities;
- to think systematically and apply creative abilities to the formation of fundamentally new ideas;
- to form accounting organizational structures, to reward and motivate employees' efforts, to ensure the development of their professional and business qualities, to prevent and / or to resolve conflicts. - the ability to communicate using professional terminology, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and at least one of the foreign languages;
- the ability to work in stressful situations, to make decisions in conditions of uncertainty;
- the ability to apply effectively diverse technologies, methods and techniques at all stages of the information and communication process in the field of accounting and taxation.
Qualification awarded
: Master in accounting and taxation
Entry year: 2020
Program duration: 1 year
Number of credits: 120 credits ECTS
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: Second (Master) level, 8-th level of NQF, EHEA second Cycle
Field(s) of study: Management and Administration
Specific admission requirements: none
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Full implementation of the curriculum and defense of the thesis, passing the state exam.
Characteristics of the educational program:
Gained competence: Students gain the necessary knowledge and skills to perform accounting and analytical functions in accounting, taxation, analysis and audit; ability to effectively solve complex problems in the field of accounting and taxation using modern technology and the latest techniques and formation of potential capacity of personal scientific and professional improvement within global trends in European and world values.
Educational and vocational training program is based on the common aspects and results of modern research in accounting, analysis, audit and taxation and focuses on current specialization with possible further professional and scientific career: Accounting and Audit in Business Administration, Accounting and Audit in Bank Management, Accounting and Audit of Budgetary Institutions, Taxation of Business Entities.
Special education and training in the field of accounting and taxation, with emphasis on the ability to carry out research and innovation.
Specialized training of specialists in "Accounting and Taxation" to solve application tasks and research activities in the field of subject knowledge.
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the theory, methodology, practice of accounting and analytical support formation for solution of enterprise management tasks;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of features of scientific method knowledge systems of accounting, analysis, audit and taxation;
- the ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the latest technologies of accounting, analysis, audit and taxation;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the essence of professional judgment and the procedure for its application in accounting and auditing;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge of personnel strategies and policies, methods of professional recruitment, motivation and development of accounting subjects;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the order and methods of conducting a financial analysis of entrepreneurial activity for the needs of external and internal users;
- the ability to demonstrate understanding of the accounting and financial reporting procedures according to international standards;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical, methodological, organizational and legal aspects of financial control;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the technology of maintenance and information provision of accounting and analysis of banks, public sector entities of the economy.
- to make decisions in the field of accounting processes’ organization and management in order to maximize the efficiency of enterprises with different forms of ownership and types of economic activity;- the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of features of scientific method knowledge systems of accounting, analysis, audit and taxation;
- the ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the latest technologies of accounting, analysis, audit and taxation;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the essence of professional judgment and the procedure for its application in accounting and auditing;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge of personnel strategies and policies, methods of professional recruitment, motivation and development of accounting subjects;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the order and methods of conducting a financial analysis of entrepreneurial activity for the needs of external and internal users;
- the ability to demonstrate understanding of the accounting and financial reporting procedures according to international standards;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical, methodological, organizational and legal aspects of financial control;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the technology of maintenance and information provision of accounting and analysis of banks, public sector entities of the economy.
- to organize work aimed at obtaining new knowledge in the field of accounting and taxation, and based on the urgency and importance of the issue raised for an individual entity or for the national economy in general;
- to develop and implement individual or team projects in the field of accounting and control, guided by European values and accepted methods in such activities organization;
- to adapt the international experience in organizing and keeping records, the implementation of audit procedures and analytical comprehension of economic phenomena and processes to modern realities;
- to think systematically and apply creative abilities to the formation of fundamentally new ideas;
- to form accounting organizational structures, to reward and motivate employees' efforts, to ensure the development of their professional and business qualities, to prevent and / or to resolve conflicts. - the ability to communicate using professional terminology, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and at least one of the foreign languages;
- the ability to work in stressful situations, to make decisions in conditions of uncertainty;
- the ability to apply effectively diverse technologies, methods and techniques at all stages of the information and communication process in the field of accounting and taxation.
Mode of study: full
Academic mobility: Немає, проте мобільність заохочується та визнається згідно із процедурами ЄКТС.
Work placement(s): Predegree practice on the theme of Master's Thesis
Programme director: Supervisor of educational program – PhD in Economics, professor Zahorodniy Anatoliy Hryhorovych.
Occupational profiles of graduates: Job by speciality and qualification in the field of accounting and taxation. Jobs in the public and private sectors in various fields, including: chief accountant, chief auditor, chief financial officer, state tax inspector, analyst, auditor, lecturer of the university, researcher.
Access to further studies: Навчання на третьому (освітньо-науковому) рівні вищої освіти «Доктор філософії», програми підвищення кваліфікації
Other program features: The program is implemented in Ukrainian and English.
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management