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Transport technology (by Automobile Transport)

6.275.00 Transport technology (by Automobile Transport)
Qualification awarded : bachelor in transport technologies
Entry year: 2017
Program duration: 3 years
Number of credits: 180 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: First (Bachelor) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA first Cycle
Field(s) of study: Transport services
Specific admission requirements: define in Admission Regulations in every current year of admission
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: carrying out of curriculum
Characteristics of the educational program:
educational programme is based on regulations and results of modern research in transport technologies, forecasting of transport systems development, systems of passenger and freight transportation, specific aspects of traffic flow management, safety and direct the student to solve crucial tasks and problems in the field of transport
Gained competence:
Technical, technological, regulatory and organizational
1. Manage statistical information pertaining to transport system and transport processes parameters;
2. Accurately document national and international transportation operations and analyze transportation regulations;
3. Investigate road accidents, provide expert evaluation of a vehicle’s technical aspects and evaluate transport safety;
4. Ensure transportation characteristics of cargo corresponds to its labeling; manage supply stream;
5. Organize work at transportation facilities;
6. Optimize of queuing systems on transport;
7. Study and analyze passenger flow;
8, Manage passenger transportation systems;
9. Explore and design organization of flow patters;
10. Develop complex transportation schemes;
11. Anticipate the interaction between different modes of transportation;
12. Estimate the interaction between transportation systems and hubs;
13. Develop and improve automated systems for traffic control;
14. Logistical servicing;
Concerning synthesis:
- identify and formulate a problem which directly pertains to transportation services;
- resolve complicated practical problems related to the rational use of transport (verbally and in writing)
- summarize the causes and effects of the growing motorization;
- analyze how transportation systems are developing in urbanized areas;
- develop educational programs for professional educational establishments.

Concerning the evaluation of knowledge:
- generalize contemporary creations in transportation;
- estimate and forecast how developments in transport will affect the growth of the nation’s economy;
- compare transport strategies within the confines of globalization;
- measure the parameters of transport schemes.
Mode of study: part
Academic mobility: opportunity to study in native and foreign universities
Work placement(s):
Programme director: head of Transport Technologies department, Sc. D, professor Yevgen Fornalchyk
Occupational profiles of graduates:
Access to further studies:
Other program features:
Institute: Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Transport