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Land and estate appraisal

8.193.04 Land and estate appraisal
Qualification awarded : Master of Geodesy and Land Management on specialization of Land and estate appraisal
Entry year: 2016
Program duration: 1,5 years
Number of credits: 90 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: Second (Master) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA second Cycle
Field(s) of study: Architecture and construction
Specific admission requirements: No
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: If previous education level had been obtained in another country it is required nostrification, which is held by Lviv Polytechnic National University. There is no machinery of recognition of non-formal and informal education.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: The full implementation of the programme and defense of master’s thesis
Characteristics of the educational program:
Educationalandprofessionaltrainingprogramisbasedontheknownpositionsandresultsofmodernscientificresearchinengineeringgeodesy, cartography, landandrealtyrating,GIS, photogrammetry and remote sensing, satellite geodesy, and oriented to the future professional and scientific carrier. Program objective is to provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills, sufficient to successfully perform their professional duties specialty 193 Geodesy and Land management on specialization of Land and estate appraisal and prepare students for future employment in the chosen specialty. Provide the knowledge for the professional activities with the possible continuation of the study to get higher level of the qualification skill. Training process is organized in the form of lectures, laboratory and practical training, coursework, research work, self-work and implementation of master's thesis.Modern laboratories will be used for the proper formation of the educational process at the departments of the Institute of Geodesy. An obligatory research practice should be done in the frame of master’s degree qualification project, according to the specialization, and all students should complete both: practical and theoretical research. The total amount of educational and professional program - 90 ECTS credits, including general training cycle.: - 6 cr., cycle of professional training - 84 cr.
Gained competence:
- The ability to demonstrate deep knowledge and skills when conducting experiments, data collecting, modeling and analysis of the results, to think systematically and to apply creativity for the formation of innovative ideas in geodesy and land management;
- The ability to ability to implement target investment programs of the market prognostics and development;
- Knowledge of legal and methotological basis resources and real estate appraisal of land, GIS technologies application to real estate appraisal;
- The ability to apply market analysis methods into practice and to perform economic and planning territory zoning;
- The ability to make the regulatory and expert land appraisal using different methodological approaches.
- The ability to collect, store, storage, processing and analyzing data
- Ability of assessment of integral property complexes, financial interests and other property rights;
- Ability of planning and prognostics of the real estate market development for management purposes;
- To use the standardized terminology and expressions in the field of Land and estate appraisal;
- Development of methods projections for decision support based on the analysis of data in the field of valuation of land and immovable property;
- GIS technologies application to real estate appraisal.
- The ability to use different methods, including information technologies for effective communication on a professional and social levels;
- Ability to demonstrate knowledge of professionally oriented disciplines of specialty;
- Ability for self-learning and continuation of professional development;
- Skills of interaction with other people, the ability to work in groups;
- Ability of organization of own activities and effective time management.
Mode of study: part
Academic mobility: No, but mobility is encouraged and recognized in accordance with procedures ECTS
Work placement(s): An important aspect of master’s training of Geodesy and Land Management is the practice by the topic of master's thesis, which takes place in the laboratory of the Institute of Geodesy, surveing companies and department al offices of engineering profile.
Programme director: Ph.D., lecturer of Cadastre of territory department Malanchuk Mariia, 256-26-31, Mariia.S.Malanchuk@lpnu.ua
Occupational profiles of graduates: Performs works on designing and creation of cadastre of different directing for cartography, cadastre, urban planning, environmental protection, geology, hydrology and more. Creates information space for making smart management decisions based on analysis. Conducts scientific researches in field of cadastre and land management and designing information systems. Can engage in teaching in higher education institutions, conduct advanced training of specialists of industrial sphere, manage scientific projects.
Access to further studies: The possibility of further study for obtaining the third (education and research) level of higher education.
Other program features: Some semantic modules can be taught in English; it is possible academic mobility and students exchange in the framework of international projects/grants, on the base of bilateral agreementsbetween Lviv Polytechnic National University and educational Institutions of partner countries; there are opportunity to study abroad for the preparation of master's thesis (double Master degree).
Institute: Institute of Geodesy