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081 Law
Qualification awarded : Specialist of law
Entry year: 2016
Program duration: 1 year
Number of credits: 60 credits ECTS
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: Second (Master) level, 8-th level of NQF, EHEA second Cycle
Field(s) of study: Law
Specific admission requirements:
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements:
Characteristics of the educational program:
Gained competence:
- character and content of social relations regulated by different branches of law;
- grounds for occuring, changing and termination of legal relations;
- forms of defence of citizens and legal entities' rights and interests;
- grounds and types of responsibility for violating current legislation;
- the procedure of law disputes consideration;
- status and functions of the judicial power in the system of a legal state;
- system, functions and competence of lawenforcement bodies;
- present state and peculiarities of legal practice;
- system of international legal institutions for protection of human rights.
- to use methods of political activity for organizing a state political system;
- to do a specific comparative analysis of state and legal structures of different world countries (parliamentary, electoral, lawenforcement, etc);
- to be familiar with the system of current legislation, to interpret the current legislative acts;
- to give the right legal qualification: to weigh the evidence in legal cases of civil, administrative, economic or criminal character;
- to use the basic methods of revealing, recording, withdrawing and examining evidences;
- to use scientifically proven techniques of planning and organizing a trial, deciding specific cases;
- to draft agreements, contracts and other legal acts, to indent basic law documents;
- to analyze the state of law observance in various spheres of legal practice, to give criminological characteristics of crime situation in a separate settlement, region, state.
- to form one's own assessments and attitudes concerning the past, present and future of Ukraine;
- to have a creative approach to complicated and controversial issues of modern socioeconomic and politicolegal reality;
- to analyze current problems of society development and to shape one’s own stand in life.
Mode of study: part
Academic mobility:
Work placement(s):
Programme director:
Occupational profiles of graduates:
Access to further studies:
Other program features:
Institute: Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology