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Information and communications technologies

8.122.06 Information and communications technologies
Qualification awarded : Master of computer studies and information technologies in specialization “Informational and computer technologies”
Entry year: 2016
Program duration: 1,5 years
Number of credits: 90 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: Second (Master) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA second Cycle
Field(s) of study: Information technology
Specific admission requirements: No
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: Given that previous level was obtained in another country, it requires nostrification, which is done by Lviv Polytechnic. There are no recognition rules for non-formal and formal education.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Full accomplishment of educational and professional program and qualification thesis
Characteristics of the educational program:
Educational and professional and professional program is based on public position and results of research in area of information technologies and is focused on ability to build and explore complex mathematical model in fields of collecting and processing information, creation and use of modern software products.
Gained competence:
- principles of mathematical models and tools for analytical research of real systems and processes, their formal description and construction of mathematical and program models and methods of statistical modelling and forecasting;
- modern design technologies and methods for developing software and applications for different subject areas;
- database theory;
- theory and technologies for computer networks construction and administration;
- internet technologies and administration methods of Internet servers, construction and supporting information Internet hub, interactive Web-pages;
- mathematical and program basics and methods of computer graphics and multimedia technologies.
- construction of effective mathematical models of real processes and systems in the form of integral-differential equations’ systems, computational algorithms for calculation tasks;
- analytical investigation of mathematical models on existence and uniqueness of solution;
- ability to choose rational and effective algorithms for solving mathematical problems on optimization and optimal control;
- ability to develop software programs on high-level programming languages, that realize algorithms of applied problems’ solution using modern technologies;
- ability to develop informational flows for computer information systems;
- ability to design local networks and their software content;
- ability to design Internet resources;
- ability to design information systems, databases and management systems;
- design, development and support of computer software for informational and analytical centres, administrative and management decision systems;
- informatization of social and political, social and economic, cultural and educational spheres (science, ecology, medicine, education).
- ability to use and apply profession-core knowledge and practical skills in fundamental subjects for formalization of the problem, mathematical model development and solving the qualitative and quantitative problems;
- ability to develop the object-oriented models of subject areas by means of object-oriented modelling languages;
- by using modern technologies, ability to develop program computer systems on the base of high-level programming languages that realize algorithms of applied problems’ solution;
- have a good command of Internet-technologies and techniques of Internet-server administration, development and support of Internet informational hub and interactive WEB-pages;
- ability to design information systems, database and control systems;
- ability to estimate, interpretate and synthesize the information and data;
- ability to use modern multimedia technologies for visualization of obtained results.
Mode of study: full
Academic mobility: None, but mobility is encouraged and acknowledged by ECTS procedures
Work placement(s):
Programme director: Assoc. prof., ph.d. Aliekseev Vladyslav Igorovych, cell +38 (068) 508-10-00, email: vladyslav.i.alieksieiev@lpnu.ua
Occupational profiles of graduates:
Access to further studies: Possibility of further study to achieve Ph.D.
Other program features:
Institute: Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences