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Chemistry of Water and Microbiology

Major: Building and Civil Engineering
Code of Subject: 6.192.08.E.226
Credits: 3.5
Department: Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Substances
Lecturer: doc. Olenych Roman Romanovych
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• to know the basic of characteristics of sources of nature water, requirements which put to the drinkable and technological water, methods and apparatus equipment of processes of preparation of drinkable and technological water;
• be able to apply the knowledge and understanding for preparation of water for the economic-drinkable and industrial use;
• to have conception about basic directions of development and perspectives of preparing water.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Water-supply and overflow-pipe,
• Overflow-pipe systems of industrial enterprises,
• Purification of wastewater,
• Purification of natural’s waters.
Summary of the subject:
Water and her role are on Earth. The physical-chemical characteristics are of nature waters. Theoretical basics are of processes of cleaning water. Coagulation. Disinfestation of water. Stability of water. The hardness of water. Desalination and demineralization of water. Water purification is from harmful admixtures. General microbiology. Sanitary microbiology. The processes of self-purification of basins and the rotation of substances are in the wild. The role of microorganisms is in the processes of cleaning of natural and waste waters.
Recommended Books:
1. А.М.Тугай, В.О.Орлов. Водопостачання: підручник. – К: Знання, 2009. – 735 с.
2. А.К.Запольський. Водопостачання, водовідведення та якість води. – К.: Вища шк., 2005. – 671 с.
3. Фізико-хімічні основи технології очищення стічних вод / А.К.Запольський, Н.А.Мішкова-Клименко, І.М.Астрелін, М.Т.Брик, Т.В.Князьков – К.: Лібра, 2000. – 552 с.
4. Н.Ф.Возная. Химия воды и микробиология: учебник. – М: Высш. школа, 1979. – 340 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Writing reports from laboratory works, verbal questioning, and control work (30%);
• Final control (70%, control measure, examination): writing-verbal form (70%)

Chemistry of Water and Microbiology

Major: Construction and Civil Engineering
Code of Subject: 6.192.08.E.226
Credits: 3.5
Department: Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Substances
Lecturer: doc. Olenych Roman Romanovych
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• to know the basic of characteristics of sources of nature water, requirements which put to the drinkable and technological water, methods and apparatus equipment of processes of preparation of drinkable and technological water;
• be able to apply the knowledge and understanding for preparation of water for the economic-drinkable and industrial use;
• to have conception about basic directions of development and perspectives of preparing water.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Water-supply and overflow-pipe,
• Overflow-pipe systems of industrial enterprises,
• Purification of wastewater,
• Purification of natural’s waters.
Summary of the subject:
Water and her role are on Earth. The physical-chemical characteristics are of nature waters. Theoretical basics are of processes of cleaning water. Coagulation. Disinfestation of water. Stability of water. The hardness of water. Desalination and demineralization of water. Water purification is from harmful admixtures. General microbiology. Sanitary microbiology. The processes of self-purification of basins and the rotation of substances are in the wild. The role of microorganisms is in the processes of cleaning of natural and waste waters.
Recommended Books:
1. А.М.Тугай, В.О.Орлов. Водопостачання: підручник. – К: Знання, 2009. – 735 с.
2. А.К.Запольський. Водопостачання, водовідведення та якість води. – К.: Вища шк., 2005. – 671 с.
3. Фізико-хімічні основи технології очищення стічних вод / А.К.Запольський, Н.А.Мішкова-Клименко, І.М.Астрелін, М.Т.Брик, Т.В.Князьков – К.: Лібра, 2000. – 552 с.
4. Н.Ф.Возная. Химия воды и микробиология: учебник. – М: Высш. школа, 1979. – 340 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Writing reports from laboratory works, verbal questioning, and control work (30%);
• Final control (70%, control measure, examination): writing-verbal form (70%)