Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Major: Micro and Nanosystem Technology
Code of Subject: 6.153.03.O.61
Credits: 5
Department: Photonics
Lecturer: senior lecturer Petrovska Halyna Andrijivna
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• knowledge of the physical operation principles of optical devices, the basic principles of designing optical components and devices for application in microsystem technique.
• ability to apply calculation algorithms for modeling of the elements and devices microoptics, select and develope optical systems for various purposes.
• have an understanding of application components of the microsystem technique at creating technical systems of different functions, main trends and prospects of their development.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Electrodynamics;
- Technological fundamentals of micro and nanosystem technology;
- Crystalphysics;
- Fiber and integral optics;
- Design of lasers and laser systems;
- Optical-mechanical automation and control systems;
- Optical measurements and diagnostics;
- Applied holography;
- Nano-optics and photonics;
- Photon Engineering;
- Computer modeling of devices and technologies in micro-nanosystem technology.
Summary of the subject:
Introduction and background. Basic theory of optical systems: imaging, typical optical system, diaphragm, aberration. Physical and mathematical models of basic components of optical systems: lenses, mirrors, prisms, diffraction grating, Fresnel lenses, optical screens, interference coatings, spectral filters. Design of basic optical components and devices of the microsystem technique.
Recommended Books:
1. Odarich V.A., “Fundamentals of theory and calculation methods of optical system”, Kyiv:”Kyivskyi universitet”, 2002.
2. Kucherenko O.K., “Calculation and designing of optical devices”, Kyiv:”Politehnika”, 2011. 307 p.
3. Zakaznov N.P., “Applied optics”, SP: “Lan”, 2007. - 320 p.
4. 3. Antonov Y.Y., and others,”Microprisms: optical parameters and control”, Kyiv: “Akadem periodyka”, 2015. 146 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on laboratory work, oral examination, test (40%)
• final control: written, oral form (60%)