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Building Production Department history

The Building Production Department is one of the oldest at the University. Since 1844 the engineer-constructionist training has been held in Lviv Technical Academy. The Building Production Department has existed since 1939.

This Department has been administrated by famous scientists: S. Bliashenko, Y. Lozovyi, I. Perederiyenko, Y. Pohrebnyi, V. Boychuk, A.Klochkov. Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. M. Hohol was the head during the period of 1996 — 2011. Since 2011 the department has been administrated by Sc.D. professor, current Ukrainian Construction Academy member, Ukrainian Higher School academician, the Construction and Engineering Institute of Lviv Polytechnic National University director (2001-2006), high achiever in education, National Prize in the area of science and education laureate in 2008.

The Department is run by 36 academics with 2 Sc.Ds and 20 Ph.Ds among them. Prof. M. Sanytskyi defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1978 and his Sc.D. thesis in 1991. He is the author of more than 350 research works, including 11 monographs and educational manuals, 25 patents and author’s certificates. He has supervised 20 Ph.Ds and one Sc.D. thesis. He is the director of the building materials and products experimental laboratory.

The “Resource and energy effective technologies of monolithic and precast concrete construction and effective construction materials and products based on effective new generation cement complex and binding modifiers” scientific school has emerged under Prof. M. Sanytskyi supervision. Chemistry and cement-concrete technology, resource efficient construction production technology development, energy efficient and ecological construction concepts are the main direction of his scientific activity.

The modern eco-house with renewable energy source technology is developed under Prof. M. Sanytskyi supervision. The aim of such energy efficient eco-construction technology is the development of new energy-saving construction generation, thermal-modernization of present buildings, implementation of energy-saving heating-ventilation-acclimatization heat recuperation systems and also development of certified current and future buildings measurements methods of energy characteristics certification. Several scientific schools have been created during the existence of this Department, including:

  • Optimal technology of electro-thermal armature bent methods during concrete pre-tense construction production, which was suggested by a department workers group, with Prof. Y. Lozovyi as the head and granted with the National Prize;
  • Development of new combined systems projection and calculation methods with the effort regulation and metal constructions strengthening technologies improvement development (M. Hohol, D.Sc., Assoc. Prof.);
  • New finishing material development and implementation in production(M. Hohol, Sc.D., Assoc. Prof.)

The graduates of Building Production Department are specialists in the areas 7.092104. “Constructions, products, materials technology” and 7.092103 “Urban constructions and administration”. 7.092103.02 “Renovation and municipal maintenance ” has been approved by Lviv National Polytechnic University Scholar Council as a sub branch of 7.092103 “Urban constructions and administration”.

According to the survey, held to define the need of specialists in this area, there is a necessity to train specialists in this field. Certain agreements of specialists state order have been made. According to these agreements there is a need of 50 specialists per year.

The Department also trains master students in areas such as 8.092103 ″ Urban constructions and administration" and 8.092104. “Constructions, products, materials technology” .
The role of the Department will be growing regarding the necessity of applying modern world technologies in Ukraine and importance of training the professionals to appropriate level. The department widens connections with the production with an active participation of the staff on construction are implemented new technologies and materials.

The Department supports research within the terms of the agreements of cooperation with technical universities in Poland, Germany, Slovakia, also it develops ties with the following (such) foreign partners: polytechnic universities in Zheshuv, Krakow, Warsaw, Wroclaw, Czestochowa (Poland), AGH (Krakov), the Engineering Institute in Kosice (Slovakia); firm “Violent” , firm “Hazstroy” in Surgut (Russia), the firm “Schomburg” in Detmold (Germany).

The faculty of the Department is focused on the following areas:

  • energy efficiency technology of constructional materials and products production which include the developing and research of effective technologies of building envelopes, walls and their heat-insulation; improving technologies of manufacturing the building construction.
  • research and implementation new materials and products, operation, reconstruction and building consolidation; scientific and technical emergency expertise, restoration projects and construction consolidation.
  • research of facilities suitability for further use; developing methods and technologies of construction strengthening and company’s reconstruction; construction method
  • research of modern construction and building methods. The technological design solution of building constructions, working the resources-saving technologies development by means of complex constructive and organizational-technological decision selection. Engineering the technologies and building production organization with PC applying; investigation the constructive systems in construction with autoregulation.

The Department has its own testing laboratory of constructional materials and products (TLCMP) which is accredited by State Standard of Ukraine. This document (accreditation certificate № 554/04) is issued by the State Committee for Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy. TLCMP carries out periodic, auditorial and certification testing of constructional materials and products.

Since 1998 at the Department has been opened permanent exhibition ’New finishing and roofing materials and introducing new technologies in construction. Department activity always attracts the attention by producers and scientists. All these facts show us an ability to further improving the relations of the Department and construction practices.

Students who graduated from this Department are provided by permanent employment in construction organizations of different ownership. Also these companies are interested in specialist training in field “Building structures, products and materials”, municipal services and financial funds structures are interested in engineer-constructionist training in the fields of “Urban construction and economy” and “Building technical maintenance, reparation and reconstruction”.

Last update: 8 years 4 months ago