26 Oct 2018, 12:38
10 joint Ukrainian-Indian research projects will be implemented in 2019–2021. The relevant decision was made during the meeting of the Joint Ukrainian-Indian Committee on Scientific and Technical Cooperation.
Among the winners of the competition there are two projects by Lviv Polytechnic National University:
- Hydrodynamic cavitation as the basis of an intensive and cheap technology for the treatment of industrial wastewater which contain toxic organic compounds and solids; Leaders: Znak Zenovii (Lviv Polytechnic National University) and Dr. Parag Gogate (Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai);
- Influence of reactor neutrons on the electrophysical properties of graphene and the consequences for ohmic contacts of metal-graphene; Leaders: Bolshakova Inesa (Lviv Polytechnic National University), Dr. Mayank Shrivastava (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore).