On March 25–26, 2019, employees of Scientific and Technical Library of Lviv Polytechnic National University attended a number of events which summed up the 4-year project the European Technical Heritage(«EDT Europejskie Dziedzictwo Techniczne») of the Library of the Krakow University of Technology and Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow.
On March 26, on the occasion of the project completion, the Library of the Krakow University of Technology organized a conference on European Heritage in Open Digital Collections. Representatives of various libraries in Poland and foreign participants from the National Library of the Czech Republic and the Scientific and Technical Library of Lviv Polytechnic exchanged experience on digitization of cultural heritage and visited the exhibition European Scientific and Technological Achievements of XVI – the first half of the ХХ Centuries. The employees of Scientific and Technical Library Renata Samotyi and Tetiana Ilnytska presented a report on The Selected Digital Collections of Ukraine.