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Let’s unite, because only in this way we can not only withstand, but become stronger: greetings from the Rector on Independence Day of Ukraine

23 Aug 2019, 09:21
Lviv Polytechnic Rector

Dear Polytechnicians!

On August 24, we celebrate an important event for every Ukrainian – the Independence of Ukraine. Each of us knows how dearly for hundreds of years, generation after generation, we have been fighting to be free and to live in our own Country. Millions of our people have sacrificed their lives so today we can loudly and proudly say: I am Ukrainian!

We remember that the millstone of the bloody totalitarian regime ruthlessly rubbed anyone who had the courage to fight and be a patriot of his people. But we have withstood and revived!

And today, when it seems that Ukraine has every chance to be among the developed countries of Europe, for more than five years we have been fighting day after day with the invader on different fronts – the battlefield, where we pay the highest price – the lives of our heroes, Information warfare where we must remove the veil of deception from the eyes of the world community, and at home, in Ukraine, where we must watch and be careful not to be overwhelmed by discord that has constantly being sown by our external enemy.

I congratulate you sincerely on the Independence Day of our Country! May the common goal – peace in Ukraine and the freedom of our people – unite us all, add strength and patience to pave the way for a future where our country occupies a worthy place on the world stage among highly developed countries.

Today, the struggle for the right to be free continues, so it is important for each of us to realize that only by uniting we can not only withstand, but grow. Again and again we get convinced that unity is the power of the people! Let’s unite to become stronger!

Glory to Ukraine!



Professor, Rector of Lviv Polytechnic

National University

Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Lviv Region