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Lviv Polytechnicians with the Smart Valve project became finalists of the Make It Smart competition and went to Europe

28 Aug 2019, 12:23
According to the Segodnia website

DTEK Energy Holding in partnership with leading Ukrainian universities organizes a Make It Smart competition.

More than 100 students from Lviv, Dnipro and Zaporizhzhia compete for the right to go to Europe. After the hackathons, the jury chose the finalists, including:

Lviv Polytechnic: Smart Valve – an automatic system for regulating heat distribution in residential buildings, which during the heating season will solve the problem when it is too hot in some apartments and cold in others.

Berlin, Warsaw, Brzeg and Wroclaw – these cities have already seen and appreciated projects by Ukrainian students. At high-tech enterprises, Ukrainians have seen new solutions that may be applied in Ukraine. And advice from European experts will help teams refine their projects.