Lviv Academic Gymnasium at Lviv Polytechnic National University is the oldest high school where Ukrainian has been the language of instruction. It was founded in 1784 and has close relations with schools from all over the world, including Austria and Germany. Students of this educational institution take part and win in numerous city and All-Ukrainian competitions.
Cooperation with EU countries is bearing fruit: lots of Gymnasium graduates choose to study abroad. We talked to students who managed to make their dream come true – Ihor Nespliak, a student at the University of Vienna (Austria), and Bohdan Roshko, a student at Basingstoke College of Technology (UK). We also talked to a classmate of the boys – Olena Pelena, who is studying at Lviv Polytechnic. All of them graduated Academic Gymnasium in 2019. The coronavirus pandemic has changed the educational process in most countries. Students told what kind of education they have in the chosen institutions, and what difficulties they face in the current conditions.
Applicants often hesitate which university to choose. The University of Vienna has attracted Ihor Nespliak with its history, as it is the oldest institution in the city and is a great place to get an education.
«Of course, I considered the option to study in Ukraine. But after weighing up all the pros and cons, I finally decided to go abroad,» says the young man.
Bohdan Roshko, choosing Basingstoke College of Technology, took into account its high status compared to other colleges in the UK.
«Lviv Polytechnic was another option. I got a government-funded place in Computer Science. But everything went well with England, so I decided to go there,» the guy adds.
Olena Pelena did not want to study outside of Ukraine, as it was important for her to stay close to family and friends:
«Lviv Polytechnic can provide no worse knowledge than other European countries. Without any problems I got a government-funded place in Cybersecurity.»
Ukrainian education system differs from the foreign one. Ihor notes that at the University of Vienna there is an opportunity to make your own schedule and choose a number of subjects. But Bohdan does not like such freedom in terms of education, because he has lessons only three days a week, given that he did not refuse any of the proposed disciplines. But student says that the advantage of English higher education institutions over Ukrainian ones is a better leisure system that includes new gyms and a swimming pool. Olena is satisfied with the academic staff, there were no conflict situations with anyone. However, the busy schedule does not let her breathe easy.
All three students are satisfied with the chosen specialities and see prospects in them. Obviously, provided that a good basic education is supported by efforts.