What is art in modern times? What place does it play in shaping a person? Viennese art historian Daria Sabitova, who has extensive experience in conducting various webinars, shares her secrets in the field of art and tells what entrants should pay attention to when choosing this profession.
– How did you get acquainted with art?
– Art came to me when I started thinking radically. This is the choice I made when my school life was coming to an end and it was time to choose the path that would be my passion. Art turned out to be this path.
– How long did it take to become an art historian?
– Choosing this path, I did not fully understand what is waiting for me in the future. And this question was constantly in my head, till a certain period of time.
I felt myself an art historian only after a year of living in Italy. It was a great step in shaping me as a person and as a specialist in culture and art. When I plunged into the atmosphere of Italy, I realized that art is about eternity.
I absolutely clearly understand my goal, namely, to share with a large number of people what I realized (at that time) – antiquity, renaissance and baroque gave us lots of beautiful things.
– What advice would you give to those who are just beginning their journey in art studies? What should they pay attention to when choosing this profession?
– Art is first and foremost about inspiration, and if you don’t feel it, if it is not your passion, try something else. There is a very subtle line, it may suit you as a spectator / listener, or perhaps your destination is to be a guide to the world of beauty, to inspire people. It must touch your soul and it is the only thing I was guided by when choosing this profession. After all, at the time when I entered the university, there was no such thing as «art historian». Now there is the Internet, but to say that the platforms of the countries (Ukraine, Latvia or the CIS countries) are so developed as to train specialists in these areas is not true. Art is about self-development and you have to be ready for it, you have to look inside yourself to become a specialist, and not just hope that someone will put this knowledge in your head.