The University Department of Marketing and Innovation is organizing the Eco-weekend environmental event, which will last for a week, from October 26 to November 1. Every day on Facebook and Instagram (on the official page of Lviv Polytechnic) you can read posts on this topic. The traditional Eco-weekend is a few days of multifunctional action with various contests, fairs and competitions on the territory of Polytechnic. This time, given the quarantine, the event will take place online.
The first and most important thing during the quarantine period is to avoid crowds in one place. Polytechnic took this into account, as it is very easy to spread any information with the help of social networks. In addition, participants will have round-the-clock access to Eco-weekend materials, which can be viewed at any time.
The main target audience of the event is young people aged 14 to 30. Pupils of schools, students, postgraduate students and employees of Polytechnic can take part in the event.
This year’s online event is dedicated to the concept of Zero Waste: 5 rules of ecological life. This initiative was introduced by an American woman who in her online diary instilled eco-consciousness on the basis of 5 principles in her subscribers. Her initiative was noticed by the daily newspaper The New York Times, and later the book Zero Waste, dedicated to these rules, was published. The book is about following the 5 R’s: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot.
Useful information in the posts, which corresponds to a certain R rule, will help you tune into the zero-waste-wave. At the end of the event, a quiz will take place between the participants. According to the results of this eco-quiz, the organizers will determine three winners who will receive eco-prizes branded by Lviv Polytechnic. We hope that the participants will not lose interest in eco-life even after the Eco-weekend, and the concept of eco-friendly will remain with them forever.