This is a set of geodetic instruments combined in complex using developed specialized photogrammetric software. The complex allows location of the snipers, mortar groups, etc., at day and night, in passive mode (without using devices with active emitters).
Operating principles of DSC are based on creating stereomodel of terrain and it georeferences to the pre-defined spatial coordinates system. The operator determines coordinates of contrasting events (flash of shot,
movement, etc.) by stereopair of day images doing its video fixation.
The conducted field studies confirm the possibility of events fixation not only at night using IP cameras in the complex, but carry out the identification of location events with accuracy, for example, for distance 3 km: mx = 0.2 m, my= 0.9 m, mz= 0.1 m.
research of territories, important objects in the sector of responsibility;
shelter of personnel of observation point during the shelling without stopping the monitoring of responsibility areas;
the possibility of simultaneous fixation of events set (regardless of amount) in the sector of responsibility;
the possibility of coordinates determining of each fixed event with the required accuracy and data transmission to the senior commander (officer);
the possibility of photo- and video-fixation of unlawful enemy's action (photo of events, shot, etc., with the time and date of surveying, coordinates determining of the event objects on disputed territory);
display of data about the event on the electronic map of senior commander (officer) for distribution of purposes between the means of influence (firing weapon, special forces unit, etc.).
installation of snipers' positions locations and other firing weapons to organize their deactivation during peacekeeping missions and discontinuities of artillery shells, mortar shells for adjusting of own artillery fire.
sale of licenses.