12 Bandery St., Main building, Room 113
We read to the future bachelors of the 1st and 2nd years of study as well as to the masters of 22 disciplines of electrical engineering, among which there are classical:
- Theoretical basis of electrical engineering
- The theory of electric and magnetic circles
- General electrical engineering
- The theory of electronic circles
and special courses:
- Methods of research of electromechanical converters, physical and mathematical experiment
- Radio engineering and electronics
Teachers of the department lectures more than 1500 students, they have the opportunity to conduct laboratory lessons in 5 laboratories: theoretical electrical engineering, general electrical engineering, electrical machines, electronics and microprocessor technology, which actively use computer technology and specialized software.
Teachers of the Department conduct, along with postgraduate students and students, scientific research in the following areas:
- development of models and methods of computer analysis of electric circuits and electromechanical systems;
- mathematical modeling of processes of dynamic circuits and electric systems with ventilation elements;
- macromodeling of electrical and electronic devices;
- mathematical modeling of processes in an electromagnetic field;
- the development of an automated training system for theoretical electrical engineering.