Recently, Lviv Polytechnic National University hosted an unusual event – the premiere screening of documentary film Energy for Change, created by German documentary filmmaker Karl A. Fehner. The film is about the introduction of alternative energy sources – an extremely urgent global problem nowadays.
After the premiere there was an interesting and substantive discussion devoted to energy independence of Ukraine, restructuring the national energy sector on the basis of promising economically justified and environmentally friendly concepts, as well as the use of experience accumulated in this area of such a powerful country as Germany.
The vice-rector on Scientific and Pedagogical Work and International Relations of Lviv Polytechnic Professor Oleh Matviikiv, the director of the Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems Professor Andrii Lozynskyi, the member of German-Ukrainian Forum Yevhen Mykhalchenko, and German guests – President of Energy Watch Group Hans-Josef Fell and the filmmaker Karl A. Fehner made speeches during the film premiere.
Passionately, with peculiar energy spoke about renewable energy the star guest of the meeting – the winner of Eurovision 2004, a well-known social activist and famous Ukrainian singer Ruslana. In particular, she called on the Ukrainian authorities to urgently develop and implement modern strategy for energy conservation and safe alternative energy sources.
Students and pedagogues from Kherson, Vinnytsia and Kharkiv universities, and such German cities as Magdeburg and Frankfurt an der Oder joined the interesting discussion online.
Photos by Yosyp Marukhniak