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Architectural Constructions Department history

The Department of Architectural Constructions was founded in 1945 on the Engineering and Building Faculty. The organizer and head of the Department was Ph.D., associate professor Bedylo O. In 1971 the Department became a part of reestablished Architectural Faculty and provides all-rounded teaching. From 1973 to 1985 the Department head was Ph.D., assistant professor Shvets Ya. His successor became Ph.D., assistant professor Pechenyk O.M. Professor Kinash R.I., Sc.D. has become the head of the Department since 2002.

There are such courses available for students: “Architectural materials science”, “Materials science in the field design”, “Construction of buildings and structures”, “Architectural physics”, “Energy saving architecture”, “Architectural and building aerodynamics”, “Architectural photogrammetry fundamentals”, “Intellectual property”, “Theory and practice of modern architectural forms”.

Besides, for students of Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering and Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems are given such courses: “Building and structures architecture”, “Industrial building and structures architecture”, “Architectural building and structures special course”, “Building and technological decisions for new and renewable constructions”, “Ensuring of energy saving of civil and industrial buildings”, “Energy saving of civil and industrial buildings”, “Fundamentals of building in electrical and chemical production design”, “Fundamentals of building in inorganic substance technology plants design”.

The Department of Architectural Construction has the status of educational and still is the only one in Lviv Polytechnic National University, where students from different institutes acquire skills to work out building drawing, to bind separate constructional elements into full-size building, that are designed taking into consideration its aim.

The Department has laboratories of “Architectural materials science” and “Architectural physics” supplied with modern equipment to conduct both educational process and research work. There is certified research laboratory RL-31 that makes numerous examinations in the field of architectural and building physics connected with sound and heat insulation issues, as well as acoustics and lighting engineering. Moreover, the laboratory makes investigations concerning building and structures constructions unity and develops well-grounded project decisions for objects of arrears of housing and those that are subject to reconstruction.

Last update: 7 years 5 months ago