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Building Constructions and Bridges Department history

Science is built up of facts, as a house is with stones. But a collection of facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house.
Henri Poincare

Only sweet dream can save us from the huge flow of information. And as it is said, everyone is well-heard and -read but you can live fully only if you keep well- informed.

The Building Constructions and Bridges Department was founded in 1844. In different years the Department was headed by such prominent scholars as Yu.Zakhariyevych, K.Skybinskyy, M.Tullie, O.Nadolskyy, A. Kuryllo, F. Klymenko, B. Hnidets, B.Demchyna, Z.Blikharskyy. Nowadays the associate professor Petro Holod is the Head of the Department. The Department of Building Constructions and Bridges has 34 lecturers, including 3 professors and 17 associate professors, 24 lecturers have degrees of the Ph.D.

Professor of architecture Julian Zakhariyevych (1837-1898) made a great contribution to the foundation, formation and creation of the research directions and traditions. He was the first Dean of the Construction Engineering Faculty, headed the Department of Architecture. Also J. Zakhariyevych was a Rector of the Higher Polytechnic School (1877-1878 and 1882-1883). His work is directly connected with the construction and design of the Lviv Polytechnic main building.

Maximilian Tulie, Professor of static structures and bridges construction, is one of the founders of the reinforced concrete theory. In 1894 the reinforced concrete bridge was constructed on the Higher Polytechnic School’s territory (today Lviv Polytechnic National University) on M. Tulie’s initiative. This bridge is an arch with a length of 11.5 meters, that today is the pride not only of the Building Constructions and Bridges Department and Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering, but also of the whole Lviv Polytechnic National University.

As a result of the Reinforced Concrete, Wooden and Metal Constructions Departments joining the Department of the Building Constructions and Bridges was finally formed in 1946. From 1946 to 1974 the Head of the Department was A. Kurylo, Professor and Doctor of Science, who lectured on Reinforced Concrete Structures, Building Mechanics, Stone, Reinforced Concrete and Wooden Bridges courses. He was the author of more than one hundred research works, that were published in Lviv, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Warsaw, Krakow, London, Budapest and Berlin. In the early postwar years the leading lecturers were also Associate Professors M. Rudych (Metal Constructions), N. Mamontov (Wooden Constructions) and S. Zhukovskyy (Bases and Foundations). Doctor of Science and Professor F. Klymenko was the founder of the Scientific School of ordinary and prestressed steel-aggregate granolithic concrete constructions, that is famous for its students, traditions and followers. Professor F. Klymenko is the author of the first textbook “Metal Constructions” in Ukrainian. Doctor of Science, Professor B. Hnidets made a great contribution to the research and development of precast monolithic continuous-solid prestressed reinforced concrete constructions with efforts adjustment. The School of Construction`s Fire Resistance is headed by Doctor of Science, Professor B. Demchyna. Z. Blikharskyy, who is Doctor of Science, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of architecture and the author of the book “The reconstruction and strengthening of buildings” established a school of the research of concrete constructions behavior in aggressive environment.

Founded in the Department Scientific Schools have many students, traditions and followers and develop successfully only when there are the inflow of young specialists, permanent and strenuous efforts of researchers with different characters and temperaments but which are united with the ideas, techniques and working principles.

Last update: 6 years 5 months ago