Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Partners of the Department

  • Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Coal Chemistry (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Joint scientific activities

Website: https://www.ukhin.org.ua

  • JSC «Naphtokhimik Prykarpattya» (Nadvirna, Ukraine)

Bachelor practice of students, internship of lecturers of the department

Website: https://nnpz.com.ua/

  • JSC «Ukrtatnaphta» (Kremenchuk, Ukraine)

Bachelor practice of students, internship of lecturers of the department

Website: https://www.ukrtatnafta.com/

  • Dolyna’s Gas Processing Enterprise (Dolyna, Ukraine)

Bachelor practice of students, internship of lecturers of the department

Website: gpz.dolnet.com.ua

  • University of North Texas (Denton, USA)

Bachelor practice of students, internship of lecturers of the department

Website: https://www.unt.edu

  • University Montpellier (Monpellier, France)

Joint scientific research and publication

Website: https://www.umontpellier.fr

  • Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Chemistry (Plock, Poland)

Joint scientific research and publication, bachelor practice of students

Website: https://www.pw.edu.pl/engpw

  • Gdansk University of Technology (Gdansk, Poland)

Joint scientific research and publication

Website: https://pg.edu.pl/en/

  • Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw, Poland)

Joint scientific research and publication

Website: http://ichf.edu.pl/home_en.html

  • Lodz University of Technology (Ljdz, Poland)

Joint scientific research and publication

Website: https://www.p.lodz.pl

Last update: 4 years 1 month ago