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Lviv Polytechnic National University Information package

  1. Information on the University
    1. Name and Address
    2. Academic Calendar
    3. University administration
    4. General Description
    5. Educational programmes (Curricula) offered by the University
    6. General Requirements for Admission
    7. General Procedures of Registration
    8. Information for International Students
    9. ECTS credits
    10. Information on Consulting for Students
    11. 11. Information on Consulting for Students
  2. General information for students
    1. Accommodation and Board
    2. Medical Service and Facilities for Students with Special Needs
    3. . Insurance and Financial Security for Students
    4. Department of Students’ Affairs
    5. Facilities for Studies

I. Information on the University

1. Name and Address

Lviv Polytechnic National University 12, Stepan Bandera street, 79013, Lviv, Ukraine Phone: 38-032-2582601 Fax: 38-032-2582680

2. Academic Calendar

In 2013, the academic year starts on September 2. The first term lasts for 20 weeks, its 9th and 18th weeks are allocated for modular testing, the 19th and 20th weeks for semester testing. Christmas holidays are from January 6 till January 12, 2014. The second term begins on February 10, 2014 and lasts for 20 weeks, the 9th and 18th of which are allocated for modular testing, the 10th and 20th weeks for semester testing. The summer holidays begin on June 30, 2014.

3. University administration

  • Rector — Yuriy Y. BOBALO, Professor, Doctor of Science.
  • First Vice-Rector — Volodymyr A. PAVLYSH, Professor, Ph.D.
  • Vice-Rector for Research — Nataliya CHUKHRAY, Professor, Sc.D.
  • Vice-Rector for international Relations — Oleh MATVIYKIV, Professor, Sc.D., Assoc.
  • Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs – Chief Accountant — Anatoliy S. MOROZ, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  • Vice-Rector for Education — Dmytro V. FEDASYUK, Professor, Sc.D.
  • Vice-Rector for Graduate Education — Oleh DAVYDCHAK, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  • Vice-Rector on Scientific and Pedagogical work — Roman KORZH, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  • Vice-Rector for Training and Production — Volodymyr Y. KRAYOVSKYY, Ph.D.

4. General Description

Lviv Polytechnic National University was founded in 1844 as a Technical Academy, it is the oldest technical school of higher education in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Since its foundation 165 years ago, the university has proved to be an intellectual center, a stronghold of national culture, freedom of thought and expression. Its prestige has been due to the work of many generations of teachers, professors, and scientists. Thus, no wonder that the University has become one of the first higher educational institutions that gained the status of National University in 2000, and the status of Research University in 2009. Lviv Polytechnic National University has got the IVth (the highest) level of schools of higher education accreditation. Its graduates work in all branches of national economy of this country and abroad; many of them hold highest posts in authorities, business, finances, science, and industry. According to the results of the integrated rating among higher educational institutions of Ukraine which is carried out annually by International Personal Academy and is based on the estimates done by both experts and youth, Lviv Polytechnic National University is regularly among top 10 Ukrainian higher educational institutions and takes an honorable second place among technical higher educational institutions of Ukraine. The university consists of 16 research-educational institutes, the Distance Learning Institute, the International Institute of Education, Culture, and Links with Ukrainian Diaspora, ELVIT Research Institute, the Research and Development Department (in particular, 71 research laboratories, specialized design office for electromechanical systems — SDO EMS, “Crystal” center), the Scientific and Technical Library, the Publishing House, the Polytechnic Design Association, a geodesy research site, an astronomical and geodetic laboratory (observatory). There are also 7 colleges, 2 gymnasias, 4 teaching and consulting centers in 4 regions of Ukraine, 32 teaching and laboratory buildings, 14 hostels, 4 sports and recreation centers for students and teachers, “Prosvita” National House in the infrastructure of the University. More than 36,000 students study at the University. The University trains professionals in 64 directions leading to the degree of Bachelor, and 124 specialties, including 123 specialties leading further to the degree of Master. The academic staff of the University consists of 2,200 lecturers, including 320 doctors of science, professors, and 1,200 having Ph.D. degree, associate professors. The improvement of quality and effectiveness of education, the combination of research and teaching, the development of scientific schools, the cooperation with international funds, the formation of innovative infrastructure and commercialization of the research outcomes are the main priorities in the activity of Lviv Polytechnic, which provides its authority and acknowledgment presently and increases prestige in the future.

5. Educational programmes (Curricula) offered by the University

The University offers a wide range of curricula of the first (Bachelor`s) and the second (Master`s) cycles of higher education training. Lviv Polytechnic also conducts the Candidate’s of Science (Ph.D) and the Doctor’s of Science stages of training through post-graduate and doctoral courses respectively.

6. General Requirements for Admission

Lviv Polytechnic National University’ admission rules are located on http://lp.edu.ua/en/enrolment

7. General Procedures of Registration

The registration of candidates for studies is conducted by the selection committee (telephone: 38-032-2582265, 38-032-2389639). The candidate is to submit the following documents:

  • Application form for admission to the University (submitted personally); for admission to training for Bachelor’s degree the direction of training must be indicated, for training for Junior Specialist’s, Specialist’s, Master’s degrees the specialty must be indicated; the form of studies must be indicated in any case. The candidate has the right to submit an application and documents for no more than three directions of training; this is to be marked and certified with the stamp of selection committee on the reverse of the certificate issued by Ukrainian Center of Evaluation of Education Quality; the number of institutions of higher education being limited to five;
  • Document of education (level of education) on the basis of which the applicant enters the University, the supplement to it in the form of original or attested copy;
  • Medical certificate of health (086-o form) or its copy;
  • Six color photos of 3×4 size;

In the case of admission in way of transfer or reinstatement, a standard transcript (list of subjects learned with results) of the uncompleted higher education must be added.

8. Information for International Students

Lviv Polytechnic National University has been training international undergraduate and post-graduate students since 1961. More than 3,000 students from more than 70 countries of Europe, America, Africa, and Asia have received diplomas leading to the degrees of Bachelor, Specialist, and Master, and more than 130 people have been conferred doctoral degrees. Diplomas and degrees awarded by Lviv Polytechnic are well-known and highly valued all over the world. At present, foreign citizens are admitted to the University on the basis of international agreements between Ukraine and other countries, as well as with international organizations, firms, and foreign citizens in concordance with the Regulation of Admission of Foreign Citizens and Persons without Citizenship to Studies in Higher Educational Institutions approved by the Decree of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine #1238 of September 5, 1998. Professional training is carried out according to the multilevel scheme adopted in Ukraine — Bachelor; Specialist, Master; Philosophy Doctor. The foreign citizens who have gained their education in foreign countries according to the training of Bachelors, Masters and want to continue their studies in Ukraine have to pass through the procedure of recognition (nostrification experts examination) of their documents of education by the State Committee under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine according to the Regulation in force (Order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine # 563 of August 20, 2003). The Bachelor programmes (64 subject areas) take 4 years, and the Specialist and Master programmes (124 specialties) take from 1 to 1,5 years depending on the subject area. The post-graduate (Doctoral) course takes 3 years with the full-time form of study and 4 years with the extramural form of study. On completion of the post-graduate (Doctoral) course and successful defense of the dissertation, a degree of the Candidate of Science is conferred in the field of research. Lviv Polytechnic is also ready to accept foreign citizens for studies for a year or semester according to international agreements and agreements between universities on mobility of students and post-graduates. There is the European Credit-transfer System (ECTS) currently in force in the University; enrollment of students for studies is practiced on the basis of ECTS documents — Student’s Application Form and Academic Agreement. The University is also ready to accept foreign citizens for internship for professional development purposes (the duration of internship is determined by the applicant). All the foreign citizens enjoy equal rights irrespective of their sex, race, ethnic origin, social and property status, occupation, worldview, religion, residence and other circumstances. Foreign citizens who do not speak Ukrainian (Russian) are enrolled in the preparatory department for 1 academic year (October 1 till June 30). Original letters of invitation are sent to foreign citizens whose applications to be admitted to the preparatory course are accepted. The original letter of invitation gives an applicant the right to apply for a visa at an Embassy of Ukraine. The preparatory department provides training for foreign citizens and issues certificates enabling the holders thereof to enter higher educational institutions in Ukraine to study engineering, chemistry, architecture, medicine, and biology. Foreign citizens who have not passed the exams go back home or, if they wish, may repeat the course. On successful completion of the preparatory course, foreign citizens may continue their study at Lviv Polytechnic or any other university in Ukraine. Foreign citizens who speak Ukrainian (Russian) and have documents to testify are enrolled in the University based on the results of interviewing. Entrance interviews are conducted from July 8 to August 28. Knowledge is assessed with the following scale: high, sufficient, insufficient. A decision concerning recommendation for enrollment is made based on the interview. Foreign citizens enrolled in the University on contract must pay tuition fees in advance. Application documents are to be submitted from June 1 to October 10 for the preparatory department and from June 1 to August 26 for the University. Foreign citizens are to submit the following documents:

  • A notarially certified copy of the certificate of education and a list of subjects studied.
  • A completed application form.
  • A medical certificate of health certified by an official medical institution of the country wherefrom the applicant arrived and issued not later than two months prior to the applicant’s going to Ukraine to study.
  • Urgent medical aid insurance (except for the foreigners who come from the countries Ukraine has concluded agreements with on free urgent medical aid).
  • A return ticket with an up- to-one-year open date of return to the home country.
  • A medical certificate to testify that the applicant is HIV negative, as envisaged in the corresponding agreements between Ukraine and other countries, or a certificate issued by a Ukrainian medical institution which provided HIV testing.
  • A notarially certified copy of birth certificate.
  • 10 photos of 3×4 cm size.

The documents indicated in items 1,3,6,7 are to be completed in concordance with the legislation of the countries having issued them (by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and legalized in due order at the Embassy of Ukraine. The state examination board confers educational degrees to the foreigners who have completed their studies. The graduates defend diploma projects (papers) and pass state examinations to meet the requirements of the curriculum of professional training. Having completed the course of studies, they get diplomas issued in accordance with state standards of Ukraine. On completion of the study at Lviv Polytechnic, the students are given “Academic Record” according to the requirements of ECTS. The conditions of studies (tuition payment, conditions of accommodation, etc.), according to programs of academic mobility, are determined for each case individually. The student’s mobility (including studies for one year or one semester) which is coordinated in the framework of the Agreement on Cooperation between institutions of higher education is free of charge. For more information please contact: 12 Stepan Bandera str. 79013, Lviv, Ukraine Lviv Polytechnic National University Vice-Rector for international Relations Professor, Sc.D., Assoc. Oleh Matviykiv Tel. (032) 258-24-21 E-mail: oleh.m.matviikiv@lpnu.ua

9.ECTS credits

At Lviv Polytechnic the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System functions to the full extent. The transferring of academic achievements from other universities is conducted according to the procedures and on the basis of ECTS documents (Student’s application form, Learning agreement, Academic record).

10. Information on Consulting for Students

In each teaching-research institute of the University there is an ECTS-moderator as well as consultants for each Bachelor’s direction. The necessary data are on the Web-site of each teaching-research institute.

11. Information on Consulting for Students

Since 1992 after the proclamation of Independence in Ukraine Lviv Polytechnic has been developing international connections with foreign universities, scientific institutions, firms and associations. General agreements on cooperation with more than 40 leading universities of Europe, America and Asia have been concluded. The most important among them are those with leading Polish technical universities — Warsaw, Wroclaw, Rzeszow, Cracow, Silesian, and Czestochowa Universities of Technology, the Technical University of Lodz and Cracow University of Mining and Metallurgy. Cooperation according to these agreements is of a regional character — international conferences are held, joint publications are published, wide exchange of students and teachers takes place. Lviv Polytechnic became a basis for establishing closer contacts between Ukrainian and Polish industrialists. Lviv Polytechnic develops and extends its contacts with higher technical educational establishments of Germany (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Fahhochschule Zwickau, Braunschweig, Wolfenbüttel, Nürnberg), England (Coventry, Sheffield, London), France (Universities of Strasbourg and Cergy — Pontoise), Austria (Vienna and Graz Universities of Technology), USA (Universities of Minnesota, New Jersey), Canada (Universities of Manitoba, McMaster, Saskatchewan, Toronto, Waterloo), Sweden (Royal Technical University), Japan (Suzuka International University), Taiwan (University of Chao-Tung). There is also a real cooperation both at the University level, and at the level of individual departments and units and with leading educational establishments of Russia, Slovak Republic, Hungary and Czech Republic. Every year more than 300 lecturers and researchers go abroad for the advanced training purposes, to participate in educational and research projects, in sports and cultural exchange programmes. On the other hand, more than 400 representatives of foreign universities visit Lviv Polytechnic for the same purposes every year. Large international associations and foundations regularly deliver their regional workshops and presentations on the premises of our University. Lviv Polytechnic is considered to have become a regional center of international cooperation in the spheres of science, education and culture. One of the priority directions in international cooperation is participation of lecturers, students and scientists in international projects and programmes, which are funded by the European Commission, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the German Agency of Academic Exchange (DAAD), the US Agency of International Development (USAID) and other foundations and programmes. Successful realization of such projects not only gives the opportunity for our scientists to perfect their qualification and to update the university facilities, but also promotes the development of new curricula and scientific directions, as well as the creation of new structural departments, development and introduction of new methods of teaching. The biggest international educational projects implemented at Lviv Polytechnic in recent years include “Modernization and improvement of English and German language teaching” which received a funding of 883,000 Euro according to the Tempus/Tacic program together with the partners from Coventry (England), Zwickau and Braunschweig/Wolfensbüttel (Germany); Ukrainian-Canadian project “Reforming Social Services” with a funding of US$1.5 million sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) in cooperation with the University of Manitoba (Canada); a Tempus/Tacis project “National Center of Innovative Educational Technologies” with participation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and partners from Germany and Holland, “Boosting the knowledge triangle by establishing innovation offices in Ukrainian higher education institutions” with a funding of 600,000 Euro, coordinated by University of Alicante (Spain). In 2012 the University has got 4 new Tempus projects coordinated by universities from Italy, Sweden, Poland and Bulgaria. Joint projects are funded not only by international foundations and programs but also by national institutions as well. For instance, the Government of Sweden has sponsored a joint Ukrainian — Swedish — Polish project “Utilization of Solid Wastes” in which Lviv Polytechnic, Royal Technical University (Stockholm), Cracow University of Technology (Poland) take part. International groups of lecturers and students have been formed within the framework of this project, classes and practical training being conducted in each country taking turns. Lviv Polytechnic takes an active part in the steps connected with Ukraine joining the Bologna Process. We invite a great number of our foreign partners to participate in development of joint curricula, to provide facilities for students and post-graduates to study abroad, to exchange experience in the field of application of credit assessment systems. Lviv Polytechnic jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science implemented two international Tempus/Tacis projects, aimed at the introduction of ESTS in Ukrainian universities as well as the development of recommendations regarding the improvement of the university structure in the context of European Higher Education Area. Much attention is given to participation of Lviv Polytechnic staff in international competitions of individual projects. Our leading scientists are regularly awarded grants of Fulbright’s Programme, DAAD, NATO, Austrian Council for Academic Exchange, Queen Yadviha grants etc. With the aim of extending the number and enhancing the quality of fulfillment of international projects Lviv Polytechnic actively participates in a wide range of international university and students associations, such as European University Association, Association of Universities of the Carpathian Region, Alliance of Universities for Democracy, International Association for Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) and others. International students co-operation is being rather actively developed. Being encouraged by the University administration, the organs of students self-government have established bilateral and multilateral academic, cultural and sports relations with the students from Poland, Russia, Germany, France and other countries. Lviv Polytechnic was the first among the universities of Ukraine to join and create a local affiliation of the International Board of European Students of Technology, within the framework of which vacancy fairs, seminars, trainings, exchange by sports teams and amateur cultural groups are organized. Similar co-operation is maintained with the German Association of Technical Students Bonding, Polish youth organization “Parlament studentow Rzeczy Pospolitej Polski” and with other youth and students organizations according to their interests. More and more foreign students get interested in studying at Lviv Polytechnic. At present more than 300 foreign students and post-graduates are studying both on the contract basis as well as within the framework of agreements concluded between the states. The main regions wherefrom students arrive to study at our university are the countries of Commonwealth of Independent States (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova), countries of Central Europe (Greece, Poland), North Africa (Tunis, Morocco), Near East (Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine), Asia (China, Vietnam, Mongolia) etc. At present students and post-graduates from approximately 20 countries of the world are studying at Lviv Polytechnic.

II. General information for students

1. Accommodation and Board

There are 12 hostels in Lviv Polytechnic National University , one of them is for students who have their families. The hostels are of three types: double-room with common WC, corridor-type, and single-room with WC. Depending on the conditions of residence, the month’s payment for accommodation is from 50 UAH to 180 UAH. There functions a system of public catering amalgamated into a student’s center of boarding in Karpinskyy str. Besides, there are buffets and dining rooms in large buildings and hostels. The price of a complex dinner in a University’s dining room is 15 to 18 UAH. Near the university there are whole range of private cafes, restaurants, and dining rooms.

2. Medical Service and Facilities for Students with Special Needs

In the hostel #1, there is situated the municipal polyclinic #10 which functions for the students of the University. The whole range of medical services is available there. There also functions a a sanatorium where any student having a voucher issued by University’s trade union organization may improve his health staying and boarding there for 21 days. For disabled students there are 4 accommodations on the ground floor of the hostel # 15, the entrance to the hostel being equipped with special rampant. There works a program of adapting some teaching buildings for such category of students in the University.

3. Insurance and Financial Security for Students

Students who live in the campus conclude agreements with “Dnister” Insurance Company to insure against possible material damage. The students who study at the expense of state budget and successfully pass semester examinations receive scholarship every month. Nowadays, the ordinary scholarship amounts to 530 UAH , the increased one amounts to 590 UAH. In the case of need, students may require one-time financial aids. Students who achieve excellent results in study, social work, sports may receive premium, as a rule,in the amount of a month’s scholarship. There works a whole spectrum of programs concerning scholarship in the University; scholarships named after outstanding scientists, scholarships from the University’s Academic Council, Lviv Regional Council, Rector, Supreme Council of Ukraine, President of Ukraine, etc.

4. Department of Students’ Affairs

The University pays much attention to patronage of the students. Students Department (room #106 of Main Building) and Department of Youth Policy and Social Development (room # 305 of Main Building) are in charge of students’ problems and studies. The Students Department conducts maintaining personnel files of the students, issuing documents and certificates, forms orders of enrollment, expulsion, reinstatement, transfer, and other movement of students; it also helps institutes of full-time teaching in searching employment for graduates of the University.

5. Facilities for Studies

Lviv Polytechnic National University is a powerful complex of educational and industrial premises with favourable conditions for studies. More than 30 buildings, hundreds of laboratories, two libraries, computer studies, sports complex with a swimming pool, three health camps (Alushta, Koblevo, Zozuli, Slavske), geodesy research site in Berezhany. In order to meet contemporary requirements, active reconstruction and re-equipment of lecture halls are being carried out. For the students who live in the campus, rooms for work and reading halls function in majority of hostels. There is a library for students in the hostel #11. Scroll up

Last update: 4 years 11 months ago