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Public administration

8.281.05 Public administration
Qualification awarded : Master of Public management and administration in specialty 281 "Public management and administration"
Entry year: 2017
Program duration: 30 months
Number of credits: 90 credits ECTS
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: Second (Master) level, 8-th level of NQF, EHEA second Cycle
Field(s) of study: Public administration
Specific admission requirements: Senior civil servant's experience at least one year
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: The full commitment of the educational program, passing the qualification exam and diploma thesis defense
Characteristics of the educational program:
The educational-professional program is based on well-known positions and results of modern research in public administration, administrative management in public organizations, public decision making, in which further professional and scientific career is possible: can work on leading positions of the staff of the apparatus of central bodies of state power and their deputies; leading positions of the staff of local authorities; heads of departments of authorities of all levels; legislators; senior officials of trade unions; senior officials of other self-governing organizations; managers of united territorial communities in the field of research and development; lecturer in university; administrators in governmental and non-governmental international organizations; other experts in the field of education; researchers; professionals of civil service; professionals in the field of managing the implementation process and making decisions on the use of appropriate incentives for the digitalization of the economy, public and social spheres; management of innovative projects and programs; assistant managers of enterprises, institutions and organizations.
Gained competence:
- Possessing sufficient knowledge in the fields of public management and administration, which will enable to critically analyze the situation in the economic and political sphere and determine the key trends of its development;
- Obtaining knowledge for organizing communicational interaction and solving conflict situations in the process of formation and implementation of administrative services, with the help of modern informational, communicational and innovative technologies;
- Ability to analyze the condition of the political system in Ukraine in order to make a managerial decision and determine the ways of solving an actual political situation or problem;
- Knowledge and understanding of the scientific principles underlying public management and administration;
- Knowledge of the basics of professionally oriented disciplines of specialty 281 "Public management and administration": administrative management, smart-city management, public administration of the combined territorial communities.
- Apply the acquired knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve public management and administration tasks using known methods;
- Apply knowledge to solve problems of synthesis and analysis in systems that belong to public management and administration;
- To think systematically and apply creative abilities to the formation of fundamentally new ideas in public administration;
- To apply knowledge of technical characteristics, technological features of the formation and realization of tasks of public management and administration;
- Evaluate, design, investigate market trends, conduct political analysis, analysis of the effectiveness of implemented project decisions;
- To search information in various sources for solving public management and administration tasks;
- Effectively work individually and in team;
- Identify, classify and describe work in the field of public management and administration.
- Аbility to adapt to new situations and make an appropriate decisions;
- Аbility to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to extend acquired knowledge end to gain new professional;
- Аbility to take responsibility for the work to be done, to make your own decisions, to achieve the goas, through the requirements of professional ethics;
- Аbility to demonstrate understanding of the main state, economic, international, environmental principles of social significance of management activities.
Mode of study: full
Academic mobility:
Work placement(s): Pre-diploma practice on the topic of master's qualification work
Programme director:
Occupational profiles of graduates: Jobs in the public sector, namely: central executive authorities; territorial offices of CEA; local executive bodies; local governments; state and municipal institutions; civil society institutions; public associations; association of territorial communities non-profit organizations; international non-governmental organizations; intergovernmental bodies and structures; scientific and educational institutions; in the bodies of administrative and economic management and control, in local self-government bodies, in the administrations of judicial bodies, in the bodies of the state fiscal service, in consumer protection departments, in the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, etc.
Access to further studies: Doctoral programs in management, administration, entrepreneurship.
Other program features:
Institute: Institute of Administration and Postgraduate Education