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Architecture and Town Planning
Architecture and Town Planning
A graduate has basic ideas of general concepts and rules of regulatory and technical base for architectural design, knows the rules for execution of working project documentation, possesses skills of graphical execution of the materials at all stages of the architectural production;
- A graduate knows evaluation criteria and procedures for approval of project designs, can present project results to the professional community, customer and the public. A graduate possesses common culture, is aware of the main elements of humanitarian and social and economic sciences, knows ethical and legal norms of professional activity, can analyze social problems;
- A graduate possesses the latest scientific methods of cognition for solving professional tasks and methods of search for and consolidation of information, skills of verbal, writing and visual presentation of results, can introduce and process textual, graphical, multimedia data;
- A graduate gains experience in work and professional communication in the Internet space, can apply modern computer technologies for self-development and self-education;
- A graduate is ready to act in non-standard situations, generate ideas, find ways of solving the problems set;
- A graduate can critically evaluate his or her own achievements and shortcomings, is prepared to raise the level of professional competence, has sense of direction under rapidly changing environment, thinks and acts creatively, can initiate innovative solutions in the designing process;
Qualification awarded
: Bachelor architecture
Entry year: 2018
Program duration: 4 years
Number of credits: 120 credits ECTS
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: First (Bachelor) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA first Cycle
Field(s) of study: Architecture and construction
Specific admission requirements: Creativity competition: Step 1 - sketch of an architectural detail; Step 2 - drawing; Step 3 - composition
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: Provided that the previous degree was obtained in another country, the nostrification held by Lviv Polytechnic National University is needed. Mechanisms for acceptance of non-formal and informal education are not available.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Full implementation of the curriculum and defence of the bachelor’s qualifying paper
Characteristics of the educational program:
Gained competence: Graduates receive qualified theoretical and practical training in the field of development and typology of residential and public buildings. The educational process is focused on disclosure and improvement of creative individuality of each student.
Training of bachelors is based on humanitarian, natural and scientific, architectural and art disciplines, various topics of architectural design. The students develop the necessary professional skills to make independent planning and organize the designing architectural activity, learn to develop sketch and working projects of architectural objects of various types according to the functional, aesthetic, structural and technical, economic and other requirements, taking into account the standards, regional particularities and global trends for aesthetic formation of spatial environment for comfortable human life.
Students gain proficiency in main stages of exterior and interior designs of residential and public buildings and facilities, architectural environment design, gain experience in visualization and presentation of projects designs. During their training students get practical skills in developing and presenting architectural ideas by means of graphics, breadboarding, multimedia, get skills in working with artistic and photo materials.
In the process of training students study modern software systems and technologies to create and process two-dimensional images (Adobe Reader, Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, Paint), three-dimensional architectural objects (ArchiCAD, SketchUp Pro, AvtoCAD), develop multimedia products.
Graduates learn the history and current trends of architectural industry, study the peculiarities of profession of an architect, participate in educational and social programs, promote architecture in society.
A graduate knows the history of the world and Ukrainian architecture and art, the principles of placement of new objects in the historically developed architectural environment;
- A graduate knows the typology of buildings and constructions, basic principles of planning objects and elements of the urban environment, principles of and standards for zoning, principles of exterior and interior design for buildings and landscape design;
- A graduate possesses professional terminology, knows the main provisions of the architectural science, cultural studies, theory and history of art;
- A graduate gains experience in functional planning, designing three-dimensional structures, constructive schemes and artistic images of architectural objects;
- A graduate knows the fundamentals of construction engineering, can use the knowledge of related disciplines in the development of projects, act technically correctly when using building technologies, materials, constructions of life support systems;
- A graduate knows and applies in practice the regularities of composition and architectural formation, criteria for aesthetic expressiveness, demonstrates the spatial imagination, developed art taste;
A graduate possesses techniques of architectural graphics and 3D modeling, uses means of drawing, painting and sculpture in architectural creative activity, demonstrates descriptive literacy in images of architectural and natural environment, has skills of working in plein air;
- A graduate has mastered application programs of computer modeling the architectural objects, obtained skills of two- and three-dimensional imaging;
A graduate is able to apply professional and substantive knowledge and practical skills of fundamental disciplines in the process of architectural design;- A graduate knows the typology of buildings and constructions, basic principles of planning objects and elements of the urban environment, principles of and standards for zoning, principles of exterior and interior design for buildings and landscape design;
- A graduate possesses professional terminology, knows the main provisions of the architectural science, cultural studies, theory and history of art;
- A graduate gains experience in functional planning, designing three-dimensional structures, constructive schemes and artistic images of architectural objects;
- A graduate knows the fundamentals of construction engineering, can use the knowledge of related disciplines in the development of projects, act technically correctly when using building technologies, materials, constructions of life support systems;
- A graduate knows and applies in practice the regularities of composition and architectural formation, criteria for aesthetic expressiveness, demonstrates the spatial imagination, developed art taste;
A graduate possesses techniques of architectural graphics and 3D modeling, uses means of drawing, painting and sculpture in architectural creative activity, demonstrates descriptive literacy in images of architectural and natural environment, has skills of working in plein air;
- A graduate has mastered application programs of computer modeling the architectural objects, obtained skills of two- and three-dimensional imaging;
A graduate has basic ideas of general concepts and rules of regulatory and technical base for architectural design, knows the rules for execution of working project documentation, possesses skills of graphical execution of the materials at all stages of the architectural production;
- A graduate knows evaluation criteria and procedures for approval of project designs, can present project results to the professional community, customer and the public. A graduate possesses common culture, is aware of the main elements of humanitarian and social and economic sciences, knows ethical and legal norms of professional activity, can analyze social problems;
- A graduate possesses the latest scientific methods of cognition for solving professional tasks and methods of search for and consolidation of information, skills of verbal, writing and visual presentation of results, can introduce and process textual, graphical, multimedia data;
- A graduate gains experience in work and professional communication in the Internet space, can apply modern computer technologies for self-development and self-education;
- A graduate is ready to act in non-standard situations, generate ideas, find ways of solving the problems set;
- A graduate can critically evaluate his or her own achievements and shortcomings, is prepared to raise the level of professional competence, has sense of direction under rapidly changing environment, thinks and acts creatively, can initiate innovative solutions in the designing process;
Mode of study: full
Academic mobility: Not available, however, mobility is encouraged and acknowledged in accordance with the ECTS-procedures
Work placement(s): Geodesic practice, practice in measurement
Programme director: Ihor Petrovich Hnes, Doctor of Architecture, Professor
Occupational profiles of graduates: The objects of the bachelor's activities under educational and professional training of 'Architecture' are development of the project documentation of architectural and construction production. The project team led by an architect, the author of the project, shall develop a package of working drawings with separate units and parts in detail. On behalf of the Head the Bachelor takes part in execution and specification of the project idea, breadbording, making demonstration materials, multimedia presentation of the project materials.
Professional profile - Architect
Develops architectural and planning solution for the environment, buildings and structures, carries out pre-analysis of the project situation, performs estimation and graphical parts for all sections of architectural design, makes working drawings using modern methods of architectural design and software (ArchiCAD, SketchUp Pro, AvtoCAD) and the architectural model of the object, develops individual units and architectural details. Participates in setting designing tasks for part-timer engineers and cooperates with them, agrees project designs with customers and part-timers, obtains examination of state supervisory bodies, performs analysis, control and evaluation of the quality of design works
Professional profile - Technician on multimedia software for architectural design
Creates three-dimensional sketches and virtual information model for a particular architectural facility by means of software (ArchiCAD, SketchUp Pro, AvtoCAD), makes main drawings and views based thereon, positions them on sheets and prepares the drawings albums for printing out. Organizes work on a group project by means of modern technical and software applications for architectural design, carries out operations in the multimedia space of the company, Internet using textual, graphical and HTML editors
Professional profile - Designer of architectural environment
As a member of a project team participates in development of a sketch solution for an interior project and elements of architectural environment design (small forms, landscape elements). Develops draft drawings of interior elements (furniture, illumination, decorative forms) using modern methods of architectural design and software (ArchiCAD, SketchUp Pro, AutoCAD). Prepares demonstration and advertising materials for presentation of architectural design results
Professional profile - Technician Architect of a District or City Architecture Administration
Prepares the output data for setting tasks for planning of buildings and structures, organizes examination of pre-project situation, takes photographs, collects and classifies additional materials, checks for availability of geodetic and geological studies. Prepares a package of the documents containing information necessary for organization of architectural design process. Coordinates the engineering sub-divisions that participate in designing, keeps records and reporting documents.
Access to further studies: Study for the Master's degree, professional development programs
Other program features: The curriculum provides a real opportunity for the students to choose individual professional disciplines according to the professional preferences in order to determine the further training direction.
Institute: Institute of Architecture and Design