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International Relations
International Relations
- the skills of searching, analyzing, summarizing, evaluating information in the field of international relations, offering strategies of domestic and foreign policy of states including Ukraine, the skills of predicting the possible effects of international events;
- the ability to apply knowledge to advising stakeholders on the issues of socio-political development (national and international dimensions);
- the skills of effective participation in various forms of international communication;
- the skills of preparing of official documents, written and oral scientific and practical presentations, the ability to give analytical reviews, comments, forecasts regarding the specifics of international systems and global development, identify problems and prospects of integration processes at different levels;
- the skills of working with foreign information materials, their organizing, summarizing of data, identifing of key points;
- the skills of applying of scientific skills for the successful conducting of theoretical and applied research in the group of analytical experts in international relations;
- the ability to work effectively both individually and within a team;
- the ability to use freely foreign languages in practical work in speciality, conduct direct and reverse translation of documents from foreign languages;
- the ability to have responsible attitude to professional duties and achieve the goal adhering to professional ethics; - the skills of thinking systematically and interpreting creatively events on the global, regional and local levels taking into account the historical background of their emergence and development, the characteristics of cooperation between Ukraine and other states;
- the ability to defend in communications patriotic statehood position concerning Ukraine's place in international relations system;
- the ability to adapt to new conditions and make decisions independently.
Qualification awarded
: Master in International relations, social communication and regional studies (specializm - “International Relations”), translator.
Entry year: 2018
Program duration: 1.5 years
Number of credits: 90 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: Second (Master) level, 8-th level of NQF, EHEA second Cycle
Field(s) of study: International relations
Specific admission requirements: No, admission is performed under general conditions of entry.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: If the previous level was obtained in another country, the nostrification, which is held at Lviv Polytechnic National University, is required. There are no mechanisms of recognition of non-formal and informal education.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Completed curriculum comprising 90 credits, successful defense of Master’s thesis and taking the state exam in a foreign language before the Examination Commission
Characteristics of the educational program:
Gained competence: Professional Education Program is focused on finding out, analyzing and predicting of current trends in international relations and foreign policy of states and/or other participants in international interactions at global, regional and local levels. Students receive thorough Master's training in International Relations and Political Science, Foreign Languages and Practice of Translation.
Curriculum effectively combines theoretical and practical components. Thus, Masters acquire thorough theoretical knowledge of Actual Problems of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Ukraine, International and European Security, Futurology, the European Union Law etc.
Specializm “International Relations” (training is carried out at the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and International Relations). There are two selective blocks of professional training – “Applied research of international political relations” and “Strategic research in international relations”.
Students acquire thorough professional theoretical knowledge and practical skills learning basic methods of international relations research, history and theory of international systems, regional studies, etc. Particular attention is paid to the practical consolidation of theoretical knowledge through the analytical component of training in the field of foreign policy, diplomatic activities and political communication. The priority is the practical component and prognostication of the development of international relations system within the security studies and the studies of actual problems of regional policy and integration, European policies and directions of cross-border cooperation. Students also learn actual problems of global development, such as national, ethnic and migration problems, acquire skills in learning and research activities; improve knowledge of foreign languages (including practice of translation).
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge related to the general situation and patterns of international relations development at national and global levels, critically evaluate them;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of highly specialized (political, legal, security, communication, etc.) aspects of the development of modern international relations system and Ukraine's place in it;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of scientific principles and methodology of research in the field of international relations;
- the ability to apply knowledge and understanding to the critical evaluation of modern concepts, theoretical approaches and ideas in the exercise of professional activities in the field of international relations, foreign policy, diplomacy and public administration; - the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of highly specialized (political, legal, security, communication, etc.) aspects of the development of modern international relations system and Ukraine's place in it;
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of scientific principles and methodology of research in the field of international relations;
- the skills of searching, analyzing, summarizing, evaluating information in the field of international relations, offering strategies of domestic and foreign policy of states including Ukraine, the skills of predicting the possible effects of international events;
- the ability to apply knowledge to advising stakeholders on the issues of socio-political development (national and international dimensions);
- the skills of effective participation in various forms of international communication;
- the skills of preparing of official documents, written and oral scientific and practical presentations, the ability to give analytical reviews, comments, forecasts regarding the specifics of international systems and global development, identify problems and prospects of integration processes at different levels;
- the skills of working with foreign information materials, their organizing, summarizing of data, identifing of key points;
- the skills of applying of scientific skills for the successful conducting of theoretical and applied research in the group of analytical experts in international relations;
- the ability to work effectively both individually and within a team;
- the ability to use freely foreign languages in practical work in speciality, conduct direct and reverse translation of documents from foreign languages;
- the ability to have responsible attitude to professional duties and achieve the goal adhering to professional ethics; - the skills of thinking systematically and interpreting creatively events on the global, regional and local levels taking into account the historical background of their emergence and development, the characteristics of cooperation between Ukraine and other states;
- the ability to defend in communications patriotic statehood position concerning Ukraine's place in international relations system;
- the ability to adapt to new conditions and make decisions independently.
Mode of study: part
Academic mobility: No, but mobility is encouraged and recognized in accordance with the procedures of ECTS
Work placement(s): During Master’s course 12 credits of ECTS are planned for practice – translation practice and Master's thesis practice.
Programme director: Guarantor of the program – Gorbach Oleksandr, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations. Тel.number: (032) 258-21-89, Website: http://old.lp.edu.ua/index.php?id=1615
Occupational profiles of graduates: The objects of the activities of a Master in International Relations are the system of actions and rules in political relations among states and other subjects of international relations.
Level of professional training of Master in International Relations enables to work as: expert on foreign economic issues; public service specialist; consultant (in the apparatus of government, the executive committee); researcher (Political Science and International Relations); expert and consultant on socio-political issues (in political parties and other public organizations); political observer, political analyst; international relations analyst; translator; commentator; political reviewer; public and press relations specialist; advertiser; lecturer of higher educational institution; assistant; junior research fellow, etc.
Professional profile – Public service specialist; Consultant (in the apparatus of government, the executive committee).
Is engaged in consultative, analytical, organizational activities, activities of administrative assistant, expert in central and local government; consults on issues related to various aspects of domestic and international activities.
Professional profile – Expert, consultant on socio-political issues (in political parties and other public organizations); Political observer, Political analyst; International relations analyst.
Is engaged in searching and providing information (socio-political, economic, socio-cultural) in the field of international relations, its analytical processing. Specializes in consulting on socio-political issues (political parties, public organizations and associations, representatives of central and local government, etc.), as well as issues related to international relations and foreign policy.
Professional profile – Translator.
Provides professional translation of scientific, science journalistic literature and information materials.
Professional profile –Public and press relations specialist; Advertiser; Expert on foreign economic issues.
Is engaged in increasing the efficiency of interaction in the field of international relations and domestic politics through public relations, advertising and information activities. Is competent in matters of information exchange between the diplomatic missions of Ukraine and central and local government.
Professional Profile – Lecturer of the higher educational institution; Assistant; Junior research fellow, Researcher (Political Science and International Relations).
Is engaged in scientific, research, teaching and methodical activities in educational institutions of different levels.
Access to further studies: Advanced Training Programs All doctoral programs.
Other program features: The feature of the program is continuation of thorough study of foreign language and practice of translation (on B2 level or certificate equivalent to it).
Institute: Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences