Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Scientific Research in Construction (special course

Major: Building and Civil Engineering
Code of Subject: 7.192.00.M.17
Credits: 5
Department: Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
Lecturer: c.t.s.(PhD), docent Оrest Voznyak
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
The main objective of the course: to study research methods of technical engineering systems. As a result of the course studying student should know methods of planning the experiment, its holding and processing received results. Course material is based on the knowledge obtained by students in the study of mathematics, engineering, technical and specialized disciplines that are defined by the curriculum of the university.
Required prior and related subjects:
Higher mathematics.
Heat and Mass Transfer
Ventilation. Heat.
Gas supply.
Summary of the subject:
Introduction. The purpose and objectives of discipline, its relationship with other disciplines of mathematical and general engineering training. Planning of the experiment. The basic definition. Factors determining the requirements for them in the planning of the experiment. Optimization options, their types and requirements. Full factorial experiment. Choice varying intervals. Matrix experimental design type 2k and its properties. Matrix greater dimension and how to move them. Mathematical model of the full factorial experiment. Fractional factorial experiment. Minimizing the number of experiments. Combinatorics. The experiment and processing of the results. Empirical dependence. Errors of the parallel experiments. The dispersion parameter optimization. Check homogeneity. The method of the least squares. Check significance of regression coefficients. The accuracy of the experiment. Transcendental equation. Graphical and analytical form of relationship of several factors. Nomography. Preparation and construction of nomograms and their approximation.
Recommended Books:
1. Возняк О.Т., Желих В.М Навчальний посібник з грифом МОН “Основи наукових досліджень у будівництві“ , Львів, НУ”ЛП”, 2003 р., 174 стор.
2. Возняк О.Т. Навчальний посібник з грифом НУ «ЛП» «Планування експерименту та оптимізація вирішень у системах ТГВ», Львів, НУ”ЛП”, 2012 р, 164 стор.
3. Возняк О.Т. Планування експерименту та оптимізація вирішень у вентиляційній техніці. Монографія. – Львів: НУ ”ЛП”, 2010 р., 220 стор.
4. Возняк О.Т., Савченко О.О.,Миронюк Х.В.,Шаповал С.П.,Сподинюк Н.А.,Гулай Б.І Навчальний посібник з грифом НУ «ЛП» «Теплогазопостачання та вентиляція», Львів, НУ”ЛП”, 2013 р., 275 стор.
5. Блох Л.С. Номографія практична, 1971. – 320 ст.
6. Адлер Ю.П. и др. Планирование эксперимента при поиске оптимальных условий. М., “Высшая школа”, 1976. – 279 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
current control - 40 points, control measures - 60 points
Current control:
- practical training; coursework
- control work
Final control:
- test