Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Development of Technologies for Construction Processes and Building Raising

Major: Industrial and civil engineering
Code of Subject: 7.192.01.E.38
Credits: 4
Department: Building Production
Lecturer: Mudryi Ihor Bohdanovych
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• to understand the scientific basis of the technology of construction processes, quality control of construction and building materials, technology of construction buildings and structures;
• be able to form an effective structural and technological solution in the construction of building as a whole and in its individual parts.
• to know the methodology of technological design process of certain types of building and construction works, content and order of their execution.
• be able to make rational organization and technology solutions during the formation of house structures
• be able to accept and calculate optimal variant of construction according to the accepted performance criterion
Required prior and related subjects:
• Building organization
• Technology of building production
Summary of the subject:
Parameters of technological processes of construction buildings and structures; Organizational and technological schemes of construction buildings and structures; The technology of construction buildings with industrial production components; The technology of construction buildings using monolithic and prefabricated reinforced concrete; Technology of high-rise buildings; Technology of large-span constructions structures and dome coatings; The technology of construction large-span structures with suspended roof constructions Development and comparison of a number of organizational and technological decisions while constructing foundations оf multistoried domestic buildings. Evaluating the effectiveness of adopted solutions.
Recommended Books:
1. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс, який використовується для забезпечення дисципліни " Розробка технології будівельних процесів, зведення будівель та споруд " http://vns.lp.edu.ua/mod/resource/view.php?id= 221124).
2. Гусаков, А.А. Системотехника строительства. Энциклопедический словарь/ А.А. Гусаков - М.: АСВ, 2004 - 320с.
3. Технологія і організація монтажу будівельних конструкцій. За ред. В.К.Черненко. - К.: Будівельник, 2002.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Writing reports on practical work, oral examination (25%)
• Final control (75% control activity, exam)