Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Application of Modern Technologies in Geotechnical Andengineering

Major: Earth sciences
Code of Subject: 8.103.00.M.25
Credits: 3
Department: Engineering Geodesy
Lecturer: Ph.D professor Tserklevych Anatoliy Leontiyovich
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• to know professionally-oriented disciplines; organization of conducting geotechnical surveys;
• be able to investigate the problem, plan and carry out precision soil monitoring; to monitor the soil of man-made territories;
• have an idea of the methods of geotechnical research and the forecast of soil changes
Required prior and related subjects:
• profession modules
• Problems Engineering Geodynamics of industrial-urban agglomerations territories
Summary of the subject:
Purpose and location of geotechnical research Geophysical research methods EasyRad GPR and its software Geotechnical works software The peculiarities of the development of processes in soils and their influence on engineering structures are considered. Methods and technical means of geotechnical investigations. Possible consequences of changing the state of soils under the influence of various factors. Methodology for soil condition monitoring and analysis of possible consequences for engineering structures.
Recommended Books:
1. DSTU-N B EN 1997-1: 2010. Eurocode 7. Geotechnical design. Part 1. General rules (EN 1997-1: 2004, IDT).
2. DSTU-H EN 1997-2. Eurocode 7. Geotechnical design. Part 2. Soil research and testing (EN 1997-2: 2004, IDT).
3. DSTU B В.2.1-4-96. Soils. Methods of laboratory determination of strength and deformation characteristics.
4. DSTU BV.2.1-1-95. Foundations and foundations of buildings and structures. Soils. Field testing methods by piles.
5. DSTU B В.2.1-4-96. Soils. Methods of laboratory determination of strength and deformation characteristics.
6. DSTU B В.2.1-5-96. Soils. Methods of statistical processing of test results.
7. DBN A.2.1-1-20. Engineering research for construction. (Second Edition).
Assessment methods and criteria:
- Written reports on laboratory work (25%), oral questioning, control work (20%)
-Second control (55%, control measure, credit): written-oral form