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Information Modeling of Data-Baseв Problem Areas
Major: Software engineering
Code of Subject: 8.121.00.M.33
Credits: 4
Department: Social Communication and Information Activities
Lecturer: Andriy Peleshchyshyn
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
to know technologies of information modeling of problem areas on the basis of databases, to master basic principles, entities, patterns of social communications, processes, structures and forms of social and communication relations.
to know: regularities of development of the communication system of society, history of social and communication institutions of society, stages of formation of social and communication structures, forms and processes; to understand the information-cognitive dynamics of society.
Know and be able to apply BigData technology.
be able to design business information systems and databases based on modern methods and tools.
to know: regularities of development of the communication system of society, history of social and communication institutions of society, stages of formation of social and communication structures, forms and processes; to understand the information-cognitive dynamics of society.
Know and be able to apply BigData technology.
be able to design business information systems and databases based on modern methods and tools.
Required prior and related subjects:
System analysis of complex social processes in the network
Information and technological support of social and communication systems
Information and technological support of social and communication systems
Summary of the subject:
Database development history. Basic approaches to database design and optimization. Database management systems.
Database theory. Relational and non-relational database models. Normalization of database tables. SQL language and its procedural extensions.
ADO.NET Database Access Technology. ADO .NET Object Model. Database modes connected and connected. ORM systems. Software development methodologies. Object-oriented analysis and design using the UML language.
Recommended Books:
1. Telnov Yu.F. Business process reengineering. Component methodology. M .: Finances and statistics, 2004. 320s.
2. Hammer M., Champi J. Corporate Reengineering: A Manifesto for Business Revolution. M .: Finances and statistics, 2007. 332s.
3. Decision-making: theory and practice [Text]: textbook / AV Katrenko, VV Pasichnyk; scientific VV Pasichnyk. - Lviv: New World-2000, 2013. - 448 p. - (Computer). - ISBN 978-966-418-221-5
4. Operations research: textbook / Anatoliy Katrenko. - 3rd edition, ed. and extra. - Lviv: Magnolia-2006, 2009. - 349 pp .: illus. - (Computing). - Bibliogr .: p.348-349 (38 titles). - In Ukrainian. I'm from. - ISBN978-966-8340-18-5.
5. Decision theory [Text]: textbook. for students. high schools / A. V. Katrenko, V. V. Pasichnyk, V. P. Pasko. - K.: BHV, 2009. - 448 p. : il. - (Informatics) .— Bibliogr .: p. 439-441. - ISBN966-552-219-1
2. Hammer M., Champi J. Corporate Reengineering: A Manifesto for Business Revolution. M .: Finances and statistics, 2007. 332s.
3. Decision-making: theory and practice [Text]: textbook / AV Katrenko, VV Pasichnyk; scientific VV Pasichnyk. - Lviv: New World-2000, 2013. - 448 p. - (Computer). - ISBN 978-966-418-221-5
4. Operations research: textbook / Anatoliy Katrenko. - 3rd edition, ed. and extra. - Lviv: Magnolia-2006, 2009. - 349 pp .: illus. - (Computing). - Bibliogr .: p.348-349 (38 titles). - In Ukrainian. I'm from. - ISBN978-966-8340-18-5.
5. Decision theory [Text]: textbook. for students. high schools / A. V. Katrenko, V. V. Pasichnyk, V. P. Pasko. - K.: BHV, 2009. - 448 p. : il. - (Informatics) .— Bibliogr .: p. 439-441. - ISBN966-552-219-1
Assessment methods and criteria:
written reports on laboratory work, oral examination (30%)
final control (control measure, exam), written-oral form (70%)
final control (control measure, exam), written-oral form (70%)