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Formation of Global Economic System
Major: lnternational Economic Relations
Code of Subject: 8.292.00.M.10
Credits: 3
Department: Management and International Business
Lecturer: Dс.Sc. in Economics, Prof. Pyroh Olha
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. knowledge of the basic models and strategies of development of national economies, approaches, methods and instruments of macroeconomic analysis, their advantages, disadvantages and current trends;
2. knowledge of software packages that can be used to analyze statistics;
3. knowledge of technological trends in global trade in goods and services;
4. systematically think and apply creative abilities to formation of fundamentally new ideas in international economic relations;
5. to analyze the structure of the global economy by different criteria of economic development;
6. to make a comparative analysis of the main models and strategies of economic development;
7. the ability to identify the failures of international economic policy and to propose ways of leveling them;
8. ability to apply in research various methods of analyzing, forecasting and modeling the development of the European economy.
2. knowledge of software packages that can be used to analyze statistics;
3. knowledge of technological trends in global trade in goods and services;
4. systematically think and apply creative abilities to formation of fundamentally new ideas in international economic relations;
5. to analyze the structure of the global economy by different criteria of economic development;
6. to make a comparative analysis of the main models and strategies of economic development;
7. the ability to identify the failures of international economic policy and to propose ways of leveling them;
8. ability to apply in research various methods of analyzing, forecasting and modeling the development of the European economy.
Required prior and related subjects:
prior subjects:
• Global Economics;
• Modern Theories of Global Economic Development;
• Philosophy and Methodology of Science;
• English Language for Academic Purposes.
related subjects:
• Global Problems and Challenges of Economic Development;
• Modeling of Global Economic Development;
• International Economic and Trade Policy.
• Global Economics;
• Modern Theories of Global Economic Development;
• Philosophy and Methodology of Science;
• English Language for Academic Purposes.
related subjects:
• Global Problems and Challenges of Economic Development;
• Modeling of Global Economic Development;
• International Economic and Trade Policy.
Summary of the subject:
Is to study of patterns and current trends of globalization; the civilizational paradigm of global economic development; prerequisites and factors for the global economy; competitive mechanisms of global market functioning; processes of global corporatization and regionalization of business; the nature of the global economic cycle; principles of global institutionalization of economic development.
Recommended Books:
1. Глобальна економіка: навчальний посібник / О.Є. Кузьмін, О.В. Пирог, І.В. Литвин. - Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016. - 300 с.
2. Глобальна економіка у посткризовий період: тенденції та перспективи: аналітична доповідь / М.Г. Бугрій, І.В. Ус, Т.О. Федоренко, Є.О. Медведкіна. – К.: НІСД, 2012. – 46 с.
3. Кальченко Т.В. Глобальна економіка: методологія системних досліджень: монографія / Т.В. Кальченко. – К.: КНЕУ, 2006. – 248 с.
4. Perspectives on Global Development – 2019. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/development/perspectives-on-global-development-2019_persp_glob_dev-2019-en
5. The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism / ed. by M. Edelman, A. Haugerud. – UK: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. – 416 p.
2. Глобальна економіка у посткризовий період: тенденції та перспективи: аналітична доповідь / М.Г. Бугрій, І.В. Ус, Т.О. Федоренко, Є.О. Медведкіна. – К.: НІСД, 2012. – 46 с.
3. Кальченко Т.В. Глобальна економіка: методологія системних досліджень: монографія / Т.В. Кальченко. – К.: КНЕУ, 2006. – 248 с.
4. Perspectives on Global Development – 2019. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/development/perspectives-on-global-development-2019_persp_glob_dev-2019-en
5. The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism / ed. by M. Edelman, A. Haugerud. – UK: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. – 416 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• current control (work at VNS, case study, oral testing) - 70 points;
• final control (test) - 30 points.
• final control (test) - 30 points.