Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
Special Subject According to Student's Choice
Major: Architecture and Town Planning
Code of Subject: 7.191.00.M.19
Credits: 3
Department: Architectural Design
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria:
Special Subject According to Student's Choice
Major: Architecture and Town Planning
Code of Subject: 7.191.00.M.22
Credits: 3
Department: Architectural Environment Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Bohdan Goy
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Increasing the level of theoretical and professional preparation of students in the field of architecture and design science methodology, education, activities and better study of the historical Lviv's development.
Required prior and related subjects:
1. History of architecture;
2. Typology of public buildings and structures;
3. History of urban planning;
4. History of Architecture of Ukraine.
2. Typology of public buildings and structures;
3. History of urban planning;
4. History of Architecture of Ukraine.
Summary of the subject:
The lecture course in the form of lecture-excursions has aim to acquiring students with information and acquiring skills in the use of cultural methods of conducting scientific researches and analysis of the historical and modern development of Lviv.
Recommended Books:
1. Vuytsyk V., Lypka R. Zustrich zi L?vovom: Putivnyk. [Meeting with Lviv: Guidebook.] — L.: Kamenyar, 1987. — 154s. [in Ukrainian].
2. Arkhitektura L?vova. Chas i styli. XIII-XXI st./ Pid red. YU. Biryul?ova. [Architecture of Lviv. Time and styles. XIII-XXI centuries.] – L.: Tsentr Yevropy, 2008. – 720s. [in Ukrainian].
3. Kachor I., Kachor L. L?viv kriz? viky. [Lviv through the ages.] – L.: Tsentr Yevropy, 2004. – 240s. [in Ukrainian].
4. Proskuryakov V., Yamash YU. L?vivs?ki teatry. Chas i arkhitektura. [Lviv Theaters. Time and architecture.] – L.: Tsentr Yevropy, 1997. – 132s. [in Ukrainian].
5. Cherkes B., Linda S., Bohdanova YU. Natsional?nyy universytet «L?vivs?ka politekhnika»: arkhitekturnyy atlas. [National University of Lviv Polytechnic: Architectural Atlas.] – L.: V-vo L?vivs?koyi politekhniky, 2016. – 404c. [in Ukrainian].
6. Zhuk O. Holovna budivlya L?vivs?koyi politekhniky. [The main building of Lviv Polytechnic.] – L.: V-vo L?vivs?koyi politekhniky, 2008. – 76c. [in Ukrainian].
7. Kos A. Ploshcha Rynok u L?vovi. Putivnyk. [Market Square in Lviv. Guidebook.]. – L.: V-vo L?vivs?koyi politekhniky, 2013. – 45c. [in Ukrainian].
2. Arkhitektura L?vova. Chas i styli. XIII-XXI st./ Pid red. YU. Biryul?ova. [Architecture of Lviv. Time and styles. XIII-XXI centuries.] – L.: Tsentr Yevropy, 2008. – 720s. [in Ukrainian].
3. Kachor I., Kachor L. L?viv kriz? viky. [Lviv through the ages.] – L.: Tsentr Yevropy, 2004. – 240s. [in Ukrainian].
4. Proskuryakov V., Yamash YU. L?vivs?ki teatry. Chas i arkhitektura. [Lviv Theaters. Time and architecture.] – L.: Tsentr Yevropy, 1997. – 132s. [in Ukrainian].
5. Cherkes B., Linda S., Bohdanova YU. Natsional?nyy universytet «L?vivs?ka politekhnika»: arkhitekturnyy atlas. [National University of Lviv Polytechnic: Architectural Atlas.] – L.: V-vo L?vivs?koyi politekhniky, 2016. – 404c. [in Ukrainian].
6. Zhuk O. Holovna budivlya L?vivs?koyi politekhniky. [The main building of Lviv Polytechnic.] – L.: V-vo L?vivs?koyi politekhniky, 2008. – 76c. [in Ukrainian].
7. Kos A. Ploshcha Rynok u L?vovi. Putivnyk. [Market Square in Lviv. Guidebook.]. – L.: V-vo L?vivs?koyi politekhniky, 2013. – 45c. [in Ukrainian].
Assessment methods and criteria:
Differentiated credit. Written component – 75 p; Oral component – 25 p. Together for discipline – 100 p.
Special Subject According to Student's Choice
Major: Architecture and Town Planning
Code of Subject: 7.191.00.M.23
Credits: 3
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria:
Special Subject According to Student's Choice
Major: Architecture and Town Planning
Code of Subject: 7.191.00.M.24
Credits: 3
Department: Urban Planning and Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Nadiia Sosnova
Lecturer Inesa Skliarova
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• Knowledge of basic normative legal acts and reference materials, current standards and specifications, instructions and other prescriptive documents in the architecture and urban planning field
• To carry out competently the architectural and urban planning documentation objects of architecture and urban planning
• The ability to understand and consider social, environmental, ethical and economic aspects of influencing on the current and future decisions in the work process of architectural and urban projects
• Execution of working documentation in the field of urban planning, such as a detail plan of the territory in the extent and form of real design work
• Completing of spatial planning quests; competent, reasoned and confirmed by predesign researches conclusions and decision of strategic territorial and regional development, improvement of the settlement planning system; urban design development of local communities
• To carry out urban planning documentation - the master plan of the city, a detailed plan of the territory with professional changes in transport network
• To carry out competently the architectural and urban planning documentation objects of architecture and urban planning
• The ability to understand and consider social, environmental, ethical and economic aspects of influencing on the current and future decisions in the work process of architectural and urban projects
• Execution of working documentation in the field of urban planning, such as a detail plan of the territory in the extent and form of real design work
• Completing of spatial planning quests; competent, reasoned and confirmed by predesign researches conclusions and decision of strategic territorial and regional development, improvement of the settlement planning system; urban design development of local communities
• To carry out urban planning documentation - the master plan of the city, a detailed plan of the territory with professional changes in transport network
Required prior and related subjects:
• Fundamentals of Urban Planning
• Architectural Design
• Architectural Design
Summary of the subject:
The specifics of the settlement plan, a comprehensive assessment of the existing condition, determining planning restrictions, conflicts and solutions to study the future needs of the settlement and determination of future development models, offers urban development master plan for the accounting period (according prospective population).
Recommended Books:
1. Фомін І.О. Основи теорії містобудування: Підручник. - Київ: Наукова думка, 1997.
2. Посацький Б. С. Основи урбаністики. Ч. І . Урбанізація та територіальне розпланування: Навч. посібн. Вид. друге. Доп. – Львів: Манускрипт, 2002.
3. Містобудівне проектування Ч. І . Місто як об’єкт проектування: Навч. посібн. За ред. проф. Петришин Г. П., проф. Посацького Б. С., доц. Ідак Ю. В. – Львів: Вид-во НУ “ЛП”, 2016.
2. Посацький Б. С. Основи урбаністики. Ч. І . Урбанізація та територіальне розпланування: Навч. посібн. Вид. друге. Доп. – Львів: Манускрипт, 2002.
3. Містобудівне проектування Ч. І . Місто як об’єкт проектування: Навч. посібн. За ред. проф. Петришин Г. П., проф. Посацького Б. С., доц. Ідак Ю. В. – Львів: Вид-во НУ “ЛП”, 2016.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Final control (100%)
Special Subject According to Student's Choice
Major: Architecture and Town Planning
Code of Subject: 7.191.00.M.20
Credits: 3
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria:
Special Subject According to Student's Choice
Major: Architecture and Town Planning
Code of Subject: 7.191.00.M.21
Credits: 3
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria: