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Theory of Chemical Reactions and Reactors

Major: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Code of Subject: 6.161.08.E.200
Credits: 4
Department: Organic Chemistry
Lecturer: Prof. Samaryk Volodymyr
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• Knowledge of stoichiometry of complex (parallel, consistent and sequential-parallel) chemical reactions. Ability to compose a system of equations of material balance for complex reactions. Writing for the complex reactions the formula for calculating reaction conversion, selectivity and yield of the reaction product.
• Ability to write a system of differential equations for the key components of the reaction and knowledge of the main methods of solving this system;
• Knowledge of the theory of basic elementary reactions;
• Knowledge of the theory of homogeneous and enzymatic catalysis;
• Knowledge of the mechanisms of reactions that are realized in the technological process;
• Knowledge of the basic types of reactors and regularities of the course of complex reactions in each of them; the ability to choose the type of reactor for the realization of a complex reaction with the maximum yield of the main product;
• Ability to form a mathematical model of the course of a complex reaction taking into account the type of reactor.
Required prior and related subjects:
• General, inorganic and organic chemistry;
• Physical chemistry;
• Fundamentals of mathematical analysis, differential and integral calculus.
Summary of the subject:
The theory of chemical reactions. Meaning of elementary chemical reactions and their mechanisms. Complex chemical reactions. Methods of describing complex chemical reactions. Creation of mathematical model of complex chemical reaction. The theory of catalysis. Basic regularities of catalytic reactions. Homogeneous catalysis. The theory of reactors. Material and thermal balance IDR, IMR, IMR-p,CIMR. Regularities of the course of complex chemical reactions in reactors of different types. Methodology for selecting the optimal reactor type.
Recommended Books:
1. З.Г.Піх, Теорія хімічних процесів органічного синтезу. -- Львів.: Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2002, --396 с
2. В.М.Жизневський, З.Г.Піх, Каталіз, теоретичні основи та практичне застосування. – К.: ІЗМН, 1997. – 192 с.
3. Г.М. Панченков, В.П.Лебедев. Химическая кинетика и катализ. – М.: Химия, 1985. 592 с.
4. А.С.Днепровский, Т.И. Темникова. Теоретические основы органической химии. –Л.: Химия, 1991. – 560 с.
5. О.Левеншпиль. Инженерное оформление химических процессов. – М.: Химия, 1969. – 624 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control – 40%
• Written control (control work)– 20%
• Final control (60%, control measure, credit)