Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua


Major: Food Technologies
Code of Subject: 6.181.00.O.16
Credits: 8
Department: Organic Products Technology
Lecturer: Professor Irena Nykulyshyn
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• to know the structure and properties of the industrial raw materials components, principles of structural proteins and nucleic acid, the biosynthesis mechanism and metabolism of the biological compounds;
• to be able to control the course of biochemical reactions in the raw materials and intermediates processing, formation target product;
• to ability to detect link the issue of biochemistry production technology, the ability to choose the optimal settings implementation process operations;

Required prior and related subjects:
• Organic Chemistry;
• Analytical Phemistry;
• Fundamentals of Nutrition Physiology and Hygiene.
• Physical and Colloid Chemistry;
• Introduction to Speciality.

Summary of the subject:
The role of biochemistry in the food industry. Main carbohydrates of industrial raw materials; forms of natural polysaccharides. Assimilation of carbohydrates by microorganisms. Food proteins. Amino acids, their structure and physico-chemical properties. The biological role of lipids, their structure and properties. The role of nucleic acids in vivo. Chemical composition of nucleic acids, their structure. The functions of DNA, RNA. Vitamins. Enzymes, their structure and properties. The theory of the formation of enzyme-substrate complex. The main laws of enzymatic catalysis. The concept of enzyme activity, the unit activity. The specificity of enzymes. Effect of temperature and pH environment on enzyme activity. The energy metabolism, the concept of makroenergy compound. Role of AMP, ADP, ATP in the metabolic processes. Anaerobic oxidation of glucose (glycolysis). Aerobic oxidation of glucose (respiration). Cycle di- and tricarboxylic acid (Krebs cycle). Types of fermentation and energy processes. Diversity ways of proteins, fats, carbohydrates dissimilation and unity of these processes in the cell.
Recommended Books:
1.Губський.Ю.І. Біоорганічна хімія : підручник / Ю.І. Губський // Вінниця: 2004. – 375 с.
2.Губськии? Ю.І. Біохімія: підручник / Ю.І. Губський // Нова книга: 2007. – 658 с.
3.Кучеренко М.Є. Біохімія: підручник / М.Є.Кучеренко, Ю.Д.Бабенюк, О.М.Васильєв [та ін.] // К.: ВПЦ "Киі?вськии? університет" . - 2002. – 127 c.
4.Сиволоб А.В. Молекулярна біологія : підручник / А.В. Сиволоб // К. : Вид.-поліграф. центр Киі?вськии? університет. - 2008. - 384 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on laboratory work, oral examination, reference work (30%);
• final control (70% control measure, examination): written, oral form (70%).