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Technology of Petrochemical and Silicate Industries
Major: Chemical Technologies of Inorganic Substances
Code of Subject: 7.161.01.O.6
Credits: 3
Department: Chemical Technology of Oil and Gas Processing
Lecturer: ProfessorMichaelBratychak, Prof. YaroslawVakhula
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. To know the technological processes of organic synthesis products production from oil fractions.
2. To know the technologies of silicate materials production.
3. To know requirements for the raw materials to obtain silicate and petroleum products.
4. Regularities of chemical reactions in the presence of different by nature catalysts.
5. Operational regimes of different technological plants.
6. To know all main properties of the feedstock and products and methods of their determination.
7. Safety measures for the plants and equipment
8. Economics of the processes and environmental protection
2. To know the technologies of silicate materials production.
3. To know requirements for the raw materials to obtain silicate and petroleum products.
4. Regularities of chemical reactions in the presence of different by nature catalysts.
5. Operational regimes of different technological plants.
6. To know all main properties of the feedstock and products and methods of their determination.
7. Safety measures for the plants and equipment
8. Economics of the processes and environmental protection
Required prior and related subjects:
production methods of ceramics and refractory;
production methods of binders and products on their basis;
petroleum and gas chemistry;
chemical technology of petroleum and gases secondary processing;
chemical technology of fine, technical ceramics and refractory;
technology of glass products;
chemical technology of air, autoclave and hydraulic binders
production methods of ceramics and refractory;
production methods of binders and products on their basis;
petroleum and gas chemistry;
chemical technology of petroleum and gases secondary processing;
chemical technology of fine, technical ceramics and refractory;
technology of glass products;
chemical technology of air, autoclave and hydraulic binders
Summary of the subject:
Silicate materials and their role in the scientific-technical progress. The main equilibrium diagrams of silicate systems. Modern glass materials and technology of their production.Glassceramics, their properties, application and production technology. Building ceramics.Technical ceramics.Binders and products on their basis.Methods of obtaining primary petroleum products.Alkanes, alkenes, alkines and aromatics.Production of unsaturated functional compounds as a raw material to obtain plastic masses and elastomers.Production of monomers for polycondensation plastic masses and fibers.
Recommended Books:
1. БратичакМ.М. Основипромисловоїнафтохімії. – Львів: В-цтвоНУ «ЛП», 2008. – 604 с.
2. ГетьманчукЮ.П., Братичак М.М. Хімія та технологіяполімерів. – Львів: - В-цтво «БескидБіт», 2006. – 496 с.
3. Братичак М.М., Гетьманчук Ю.П. Хімічнатехнологія синтезу високомолекулярнихсполук. Львів. В-цтво НУ «ЛП», 2009.
4. Братичак М.М., Сікорський Р.Т. Основи синтезу і реакційноїздатностівисокомолекулярнихсполук, Львів: В-цтво НУ «ЛП», 2003.
5. Хімічнатехнологіяскла. Під ред. Ящишина Й.М. В трьохчастинах. Львів: - В-цтво «Растр-7». 2011.
6. Вахула Я.І. Основитехнологіїситалів. Львів: - В-цтво НУ «ЛП». 2009.
7. ХоменкоО.С., Кольцова Я.І. Хімічнатехнологіякераміки та вогнетривів. Дніпропетровськ: -В-цтво «Адверта», 2014 р., – 192 с.
8. Саницький М.А. Модифікованікомпозиційніцементи /М.А.Саницький, Х.С. Соболь, Т.Є.Марків. – Львів: ЛП, 2010. –132 с.
2. ГетьманчукЮ.П., Братичак М.М. Хімія та технологіяполімерів. – Львів: - В-цтво «БескидБіт», 2006. – 496 с.
3. Братичак М.М., Гетьманчук Ю.П. Хімічнатехнологія синтезу високомолекулярнихсполук. Львів. В-цтво НУ «ЛП», 2009.
4. Братичак М.М., Сікорський Р.Т. Основи синтезу і реакційноїздатностівисокомолекулярнихсполук, Львів: В-цтво НУ «ЛП», 2003.
5. Хімічнатехнологіяскла. Під ред. Ящишина Й.М. В трьохчастинах. Львів: - В-цтво «Растр-7». 2011.
6. Вахула Я.І. Основитехнологіїситалів. Львів: - В-цтво НУ «ЛП». 2009.
7. ХоменкоО.С., Кольцова Я.І. Хімічнатехнологіякераміки та вогнетривів. Дніпропетровськ: -В-цтво «Адверта», 2014 р., – 192 с.
8. Саницький М.А. Модифікованікомпозиційніцементи /М.А.Саницький, Х.С. Соболь, Т.Є.Марків. – Львів: ЛП, 2010. –132 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Control test – 40%
credit: written-oral form 60%
credit: written-oral form 60%
Technology of Petrochemical and Silicate Industries
Major: Chemical Technologies of Inorganic Substances
Code of Subject: 7.161.01.O.7
Credits: 3
Department: Chemical Technology of Silicate Materials
Lecturer: prof. Bratychak Mykhailo Mykolaiovych
doc. Zheplynskyi Taras Bogdanowych
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- know the general theoretical foundations of petrochemical and silicate industries;
- know the technological processes of production of oil fractions of the main products of organic synthesis; technologies of obtaining silicate materials;
- know the list and requirements for raw materials for obtaining silicate and petrochemical materials and products;
- be able to predict the course of chemical reactions in the presence of different in nature catalysts; properties of products and materials, methods of their determination.
- know the technological processes of production of oil fractions of the main products of organic synthesis; technologies of obtaining silicate materials;
- know the list and requirements for raw materials for obtaining silicate and petrochemical materials and products;
- be able to predict the course of chemical reactions in the presence of different in nature catalysts; properties of products and materials, methods of their determination.
Required prior and related subjects:
Inorganic Chemistry;
Оrganic Chemistry;
Material Engineering;
Оrganic Chemistry;
Material Engineering;
Summary of the subject:
Modern glass materials. Were sitting Building ceramics. Technical ceramics. Binding materials and products based on them. Receiving primary petrochemical products. Primary petrochemical products. Manufacture of unsaturated functional compounds. Production of monomers for polycondensation plastic masses and fibers.
Recommended Books:
1. Yashchyshyn Y. М. Теhnоlоhіia sklа : pidruch. u 3-h cast. / Y. М. Yashchyshyn. – Lviv : Vydavnytstvo “Beskyd Bit”. – Ch. І : Fizyka і khimiia sklа. – 2008. – 204 s.; Ch. ІІ : Теhnоlоhіia sklianoi masy. – 2004. – 250 s.; Ch. ІІІ : Теhnоlоhіia sklianykh vyrobiv. – 2011. – 416 s. (in Ukrainian)
2. Pashchenkо О. О. Viazhychi mаtеrіаly : pidruch. / О. О. Pashchenkо, В. P. Serbin, О. О. Starchevskaа. – К. : Vyshcha shk., 1995. – 416 s. (in Ukrainian)
3. Viazhychi mаtеrіаly : Pidruchnyk / R. F. Runovа, L. Y. Dvorkin, О. L. Dvorkin, Yu. L. Nosovskyi – К. : Оsnоvа, 2012. – 448 s. (in Ukrainian)
4. Khоmеnkо О. S. Khimichnа tеhnоlоhіia keramiku tа vognetryviv / О. S. Khоmеnkо, Ya. І. Kоltsоvа. – Dnipropetrovsk : DVNZ UDKhTU, 2014. – 192 s. (in Ukrainian)
2. Pashchenkо О. О. Viazhychi mаtеrіаly : pidruch. / О. О. Pashchenkо, В. P. Serbin, О. О. Starchevskaа. – К. : Vyshcha shk., 1995. – 416 s. (in Ukrainian)
3. Viazhychi mаtеrіаly : Pidruchnyk / R. F. Runovа, L. Y. Dvorkin, О. L. Dvorkin, Yu. L. Nosovskyi – К. : Оsnоvа, 2012. – 448 s. (in Ukrainian)
4. Khоmеnkо О. S. Khimichnа tеhnоlоhіia keramiku tа vognetryviv / О. S. Khоmеnkо, Ya. І. Kоltsоvа. – Dnipropetrovsk : DVNZ UDKhTU, 2014. – 192 s. (in Ukrainian)
Assessment methods and criteria:
written reports on laboratory work, oral examination, control work (30%);
final control (test), written-oral form (70%)
final control (test), written-oral form (70%)