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Technologiees of Mineral Salts

Major: Chemical Technologies of Inorganic Substances
Code of Subject: 7.161.01.E.43
Credits: 5
Department: Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Substances
Lecturer: As. prof. Blazhivskyi Kostiantyn
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- to know the state and prospects of development of raw material base and technologies of mineral salt production;
- to be able to analyze salt technologies and make calculations according to salt charts;
- to know the theoretical bases and principles of drawing up of technological schemes of mineral salts, choice of technological regimes, equipment and equipment.
Required prior and related subjects:
General chemical technology.
Processes and equipment of chemical production.
Summary of the subject:
Prospects for the development of the raw material base for the production of mineral salts (MS). Areas of development of technologies of the MS. Application of solubility diagrams to predict the flow of salt production processes and directions for their improvement. Theoretical bases and technologies of production of salts of Phosphorus, Sulfur, Kuprum, Flour, Chlorine, Chromium. Technologies of utilization and disposal of industrial wastes MS.
Recommended Books:
1. Sokolovskyi A.A., Yakhontova E.L. Prymenenye ravnovesnыkh dyahramm rastvorymosty v tekhnolohyy myneralnыkh solei. - M.: Khymyia, 1982. - 264 s.
2. Tekhnolohiia fosforovmisnykh dobryv, kyslot i solei: Pidruchnyk / I.M. Astrelin, L.L. Tovazhnianskyi, O.Ia. Loboiko [ta in.]. - Kharkiv: Vyd-vo «Pidruchnyk NTU «KhPI», 2011.-288 s.
3. Khymycheskaia tekhnolohyia neorhanycheskykh veshchestv: V 2 kn. /Uchebnoe posobye /Pod red. prof. Akhmetova T.H. - M.: Vыsshaia shkola, 2002. - Ch. 1 - 688 s.; Ch. 2 - 533 s.

Assessment methods and criteria:
• two verification control tests (30%);
• written component (50% exam): oral component (20%).