Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua


Major: Technical Electrochemistry
Code of Subject: 7.161.03.E.41
Credits: 4
Department: Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Substances
Lecturer: Professor Znak Zenoviy
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• to know the basic theoretical fundamentals and laws of typical hydrometallurgical processes (leaching, cementation, precipitation of metals by gases, etc.) and the impact of various factors on their flow; modern methods of intensification of hydrometallurgical processes; the typical production of metals and their compounds of hydrometallurgical method;
• be able to perform engineering calculations of hydrometallurgical processes; to choose rational method of processing of metal-concrete materials;
• to understand the main lines of hydrometallurgical processes.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Inorganic Chemistry.
• Organic Chemistry.
• Processes and equipment of chemical industries.
• Theoretical electrochemistry.
• General chemical technology.
• Equipment industry and design principles.
Summary of the subject:
General characteristics of metallurgical processes. The main stages of typical hydrometallurgical processes. Enrichment of materials. Leaching. Concentration of leach solutions. The preparation of metals and their compounds from leaching solutions. Modern methods of intensification of hydrometallurgical processes. Typical metals hydrometallurgical technology.
Recommended Books:
1. Байрачний Б.І., Ляшок Л.В. Рідкісні, розсіяні і благородні елементи. Технологія виробництва та використання. – Харків: НТУ «ХПІ», 2007. – 288 с.
2. Вольдман Г.М., Зеликман А.Н. Теория гидрометаллургических процессов: Учеб. пособие для вузов. – М.: Интермет Инжиниринг, 2003. – 464 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Writing reports from laboratory works, verbal questioning, and control work (30%);
• Final control (70%, control measure, examination): writing-verbal form (70%).