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Numerical Modeling of the Heat Transfer Processes

Major: Chemical Technologies of Refractory Non-metal and silicate Materials
Code of Subject: 7.161.04.M.32
Credits: 5
Department: Chemical Engineering
Lecturer: D.Sc., prof. Atamanyuk V.M.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
As a result of study of discipline a student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:
1. develop a methodology for calculating heat transfer on the basis of experimental data.
2. to highlight possible shortcomings and errors in the presentation of the final results of research.
3. The use of static, tabular and graphical methods for organizing and establishing the qualitative and quantitative relationships between factors studied.
4. transform research results are summarized in the source.
5. solving problems of applied nature that occur in the production process, with the help of computer technology.
6. The present manufacturing process as a complex hierarchical system with subsequent qualitative analysis of its structure, developing mathematical description and evaluation of all the major parameters.
Learning discipline involves the formation and development of the students competences:
general: Mastering the methodology of numerical studies of technological processes to optimize them.
professional: Familiarity with modern methods of solving complex problems of multi-technology based on a new approach to the analysis and calculation processes, machines.
Required prior and related subjects:
Higher mathematics
Computer Science
Summary of the subject:
Introduction. Key provisions teploprovidnosti.Statsionarnyy heat based on ANSYS. Creating a model. Boundary conditions, problems in the form of tables or functions. Graphic display similarities, view the results. Solving stationary heat problem. Calculation of the heat problem by using tabuliruvanyh boundary conditions. Unsteady heat transfer. Calculation of the heat problem when you change the physical state (phase transition). Heat during radiation. Using the method of radial matrix. Use of radial calculation.
Recommended Books:
1. Білущак Г. І., Чабанюк Я. М. Теорія ймовірностей і математична статистика. Практикум. – Львів, 2001. – 418 с.
2. И. М. Грушко, В. М. Сиденко. Основы научных исследований. – Харьков: «Вища школа», 1983. – 224 с.
3. Shumway, R. H. Applied statistical time series analysis. – Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988. – 179 p.
4. Ryan, T. P. Modern Regression Methods. - New York: Wiley, 1997. – 327 p .
5. Гліненко Л. К., Сухоносов О. Г. Основи моделювання технічних систем: Навчальний посібник. – Львів: Вид-во «Бескид Біт», 2003. – 176 с.
6. Копейкин С. В., Курочкин Е. П. Планирование и методы обработки результатов эксперимента: Утв. в кач-ве учебн. пособия. – Куйбышев: Куйбышевский гос. ун-т, 1984. – 88 с.
7. Основы моделирования сложных систем: Учебн. пособие для втузов / Под общ. ред. Н. В. Кузьмина. – К.: Вища школа, 1981. – 360 с.
1. 1Адлер Ю.П., Маркова Е.В., Грановский Ю.В. Планирование эксперимента при поиске оптимальных условий.-М. Наука. -1976г.- 278с.
2. Поллард Дж. Справ очник по вычислительным методам статистики. -М.: Финансы и статистика.-1982. -344с.
3. Власов К.П. Методы исследований и организация экспериментов. -Харьков: Гуманитарный центр.-2002.-255с.
4. Айвазян С.А., Енюков И.С., Мешалкин Л.Д. Прикладная статистика. - М.: Финансы и статистика. -1985. - 344с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Laboratory work, oral examination, the individual research tasks and settlement and graphic works (30%), work examination (written component - 60% oral component - 10%)