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Applying of Computer Technologies in Production and Plastics Processing

Major: Processes and equipment of chemical productions
Code of Subject: 7.161.09.M.14
Credits: 5
Department: Chemical Technology of Plastics Processing
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Ph.D. Krasinskyi Volodymyr
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• know the basic principles output calculation formulas and calculations on a computer algorithm of the synthesis and processing of polymers;
• know basic principles of modeling of structures of technological devices, installations and equipment for the synthesis and processing of polymers;
• know the basic requirements for mathematical models that enable the creation of optimal processes, their effective scaling, optimization and automation equipment design;
• be able to correctly put problem of mathematical modeling of the reactor installation Navy synthesis using computers;
• be able to select and justify the most appropriate method of modeling the process of obtaining a specific polymer / products with desired properties;
• be able to make a mathematical model of the polymerization process and determine its constants on a computer;
• be able to verify the adequacy of the mathematical model of the synthesis or processing of the polymer and its performance;
• be able to find the best embodiment of the process according to the purpose of modeling.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Basics of polymer chemistry,
• Technology of plastic forming,
• Special processes of synthesis and modification of polymers
Summary of the subject:
Objectives and course content. Types of modeling and their structure. Specifics of mathematical modeling of polymerization. Rheological, thermal and thermodynamic properties of the medium, which polymerize. Terms constructing mathematical models polymerization processes. Structural organization modeled object. Optimization of chemical-technological systems and its elements. The adequacy of the model. Models polymerization systems. The mathematical description of gross reaction rate and molecular weight shockproof polystyrene and styrene at homopolimeryzatsiyi cultivate copolymerization of styrene and rubber. Initiated by polymerization of styrene in the solution. Polymerization of styrene in weight. Polymerization of ethylene. Anionic polymerization of styrene in the solution. Simulation of polycondensation. Terms. Polycondensation in an acidic environment (novolachni resin). Polycondensation in alkaline medium. The process design for chemical production. General principles of development of computer-aided design (CAD). The structure, mathematical software and hardware CAD. Typology developments and applications in CAD for chemical production. Methods and optimization of technological modes of obtaining polymer composite material. Computer optimization of the processing of polymeric materials by modeling their elementary stages. Heat transfer processes in plastics processing. The mathematical description of process heat. Conductive, convective and radiation processes. The mathematical description of the heating extruded products in variable temperature field. Cooling material in the form at injection molding. Heating and cooling products during vacuum forming. Dynamics of the movement of material in the extruder, the calculation of the operating point of the extruder. The mathematical description of start-up mode screw machines. Mathematical description extruder mode to normal operation. Dynamics of the movement of material in the gap calender rolls. The mathematical description of heat treatment at heating Calender its pair. Using computer-aided design (CAD) to optimize treatment processing of polymeric materials. Types of CAD. Computer analysis of the injection molding of thermoplastics with the software Moldflow. The optimum techno-economic models and modeling the principles of the synthesis of monomers and polymers. Indicators of economic efficiency of technological systems.
Recommended Books:
1. Введение в математическое моделирование. Учебное пособие для ВУЗов. М.: Логос, 2007. – 440 с.
2. Зотов С.Б., Тужиков О.О., Алейникова Т.П. Моделирование технологических процессов синтеза высокомолекулярных соединений - Учебное пособие. - Волгоград: ВолгГТУ, 2006. - 110 с.
3. Кандырин Л.Б., Суриков П.В. Моделирование процессов переработки пластмасс. Учебно-методическое пособие. М, МИТХТ, 2001, с.86.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on laboratory work, oral examination (30%)
• final control (70% control measure, exam), written-oral form (70%)