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Numerical Modeling of the Processes and Apparatus of the Chemical Technology, part 1
Major: Computer-based chemical engineering
Code of Subject: 7.161.10.E.35
Credits: 5
Department: Chemical Engineering
Lecturer: PhD, Associate Professor Havryliv Roman Ivanovych
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge of possibilities of the modern modeling software of the chemical engineering processes, methods of the computer models creation of chemical processes technology, stages of 2D and 3D modeling of chemical equipment.
• Ability to analyze and implement the physical and mathematical models of complex software ANSYS FLUENT.
• Ability to analyze and implement the physical and mathematical models of complex software ANSYS FLUENT.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Processes and apparatuses of chemical technology
• Mathematical modeling CTE
• Basics of the aided equipment design for chemical production
• Mathematical modeling CTE
• Basics of the aided equipment design for chemical production
Summary of the subject:
Overview of software for numerical simulation. Numerical modeling CTE. Finite Element Method (FEM) in the ANSYS package. Fundamentals of ANSYS WORKBENCH. Real 3D models. Creating a finite element mesh. Work menu Mesh Control. Management of materials and their properties for a simulation module ANSYS Mechanical. The use of plastic and elastic materials and determine their properties. Types of analysis in ANSYS. Using the finite element method for solving hydro and gas dynamics in ANSYS FLUENT.
Recommended Books:
References to the lectures:
1. Bruyaka V.A. Engineer analysis in ANSYS Workbench Part 1: Textbook / V.A. Bruyaka, V.G. Fokin, E.A. Soldusova, N.A. Glazunov, I.E. Adeyanov. - Samara: Press, 2010, 271 p.
2. Bruyaka V.A. Engineer analysis in ANSYS Workbench Part 2: Textbook / V.A. Bruyaka, V.G. Fokin, E.A. Kuraeva - Samara: Press, 2013.- 149 p.
Literature for the laboratory studies:
1. Basov K.A. ANSYS in examples and tasks. Moscow: KompyuterPress, 2002 - 225 p.
Information resources:
1. The official site of Ansys: http://ansys.com
1. Bruyaka V.A. Engineer analysis in ANSYS Workbench Part 1: Textbook / V.A. Bruyaka, V.G. Fokin, E.A. Soldusova, N.A. Glazunov, I.E. Adeyanov. - Samara: Press, 2010, 271 p.
2. Bruyaka V.A. Engineer analysis in ANSYS Workbench Part 2: Textbook / V.A. Bruyaka, V.G. Fokin, E.A. Kuraeva - Samara: Press, 2013.- 149 p.
Literature for the laboratory studies:
1. Basov K.A. ANSYS in examples and tasks. Moscow: KompyuterPress, 2002 - 225 p.
Information resources:
1. The official site of Ansys: http://ansys.com
Assessment methods and criteria:
Forms and methods of learning: lectures, laboratory classes, autonomous work of student
Methods and criteria of assessment:
• reports of laboratory works, oral questioning (30%)
• final control (control measure - exam): written and oral form (70%)
Methods and criteria of assessment:
• reports of laboratory works, oral questioning (30%)
• final control (control measure - exam): written and oral form (70%)