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Scientific Aspects of Biopharmaceutics

Major: Pharmaceuticals technologies
Code of Subject: 7.226.01.E.37
Credits: 3
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: Konechna Roksolana Tarasivna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• To master theoretical and practical essentials of biopharmaceutics for scientific substantiation of the choice of the dosage form and the technology of the production of dosage forms;
• To learn about the influence of pharmaceutical and biological factors on pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of drugs;
• To study dependence of therapeutic efficacy and biological availability of drug on its concentration in the blood;
• To study bioequivalence of drugs;
• To study methods “in vitro” and “in vivo” to determine the effect of the main variables of pharmaceutical and biological factors on the degree of release of medicinal substances from medicinal forms, the rate of their absorption through histohemic barriers to blood, biological availability and bioequivalence.
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisites : Biological chemistry and molecular biology, Biology and physiology with the basics of anatomy, Apothecary technology of drugs, Pharmacokinetics, Laboratory and functional diagnostics.
Corequisites: Clinical pharmacy, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Management and economy of pharmacy, Chemistry and technology of medical substances.
Summary of the subject:
Biopharmaceutics as a science and base of technology of medicinal products. Pharmaceutical factors. Influence of the technology of preparation of drugs, type of dosage form and ways of its administration on therapeutic effectiveness of drugs. Biopharmaceutical aspects of pharmacokinetics of drugs. Biological availability of drugs.
Recommended Books:
1. State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine / State Enterprise "Scientific-Expert Pharmacopoeia Center".-1 st. Kharkiv: RIREG, - 2001
2. Pharmaceutical and medico-biological aspects of drugs / Ed. IM Pepper - Vinnytsa: New Book, 2007. - 728 p.
3. Pharmaceutical and medico-biological aspects of drugs, Volume 1,2 / Ed. IM Perceva, IA Zupanets, Kharkiv, ed. UkrFA, 1999.
4. .D. Mashkovsky, Medicines, 2 t., Kharkiv, Torsing, 2001.
5. Pharmaceutical Encyclopedia / VP Chernyh. - 2nd edition. - K.: Morion, 2010. - 1632 p
6. Pharmaceutical and medico-biological aspects of medicines. Textbook / Ed. I.M.Pertseva - Vinnitsa: New Book, 2007. - 728 p.
7. Supporting substances and their application in the technology of dosage forms. Reference manual // F. Zhogly, V. Voznyak, V. Popovich, Ya. Bogdan. - Lviv - 1996. - 96 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written report from practical work, oral questioning, final test – 40 points;
• final control (test) - 60 points (written form).