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Software Development Methodologies

Major: Software engineering
Code of Subject: 7.121.01.O.4
Credits: 6
Department: Software
Lecturer: Seniv M.M.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• To know the most common software development methodology, their main advantages and disadvantages.
• To be able to choose the optimum methodology of software development in defined conditions.
• To know agile processes and be able to apply them in the development of real projects.
• To know the basic principles, advantages and disadvantages of extreme programming, to be able to apply them in the development of real projects.
• To know Scrum methodology and be able to apply it in the development of real projects.
• To know Kanban methodology and be able to apply it in the development of real projects.
• To know what code refactoring is, to be able to correctly identify cases of refactoring.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Innovation and entrepreneurship in software engineering
• Risk management in software engineering
Summary of the subject:
The history of software development methodologies, software life cycle basic models, their advantages and disadvantages. Levels of company development according to CMM. Rational Unified Process (RUP), Rapid Application Development (RAD), a set of concepts, principles and techniques of Agile Modeling, Agile Unified Process (AUP), Agile Data Method, iterative and incremental approach DSDM, basic concepts of Essential Unified Process (EssUP), the main concept, advantages, disadvantages and field of Extreme programming (XP), Feature driven development (FDD), iterative approach without functional specifications Getting Real, iterative-incremental software development method OpenUP, project management methodology Scrum and Kanban.
Recommended Books:
1. James Shore, Shane Warden. The Art of Agile Development. — O’Reilly. — 2007. — 440 p.
2. Torgeir Dingsoyr, Tore Dyba, Nils Brede Moe. Agile Software Development: Current Research and Future Directions. — Springer. — 2010. — 240 p.
3. Кент Бек: Экстремальное программирование — Питер. – 2002. – 215с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports of laboratory works, oral interviews, oral review (40%)
• final assessment: written oral form (60%)