Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
Research and Design of Computer Systems and Networks
Major: Cyber-Physical Systems
Code of Subject: 7.123.04.O.1
Credits: 6
Department: Electronic Computing Machines
Lecturer: professor Hlukhov Valerii Serhiiovych
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
he ability to design and develop computer systems and networks at all levels of difficulty, make their components selection according to the requirements and operating conditions
knowledge of general methodological principles of modern computer systems with various structures construction to provide high-performance data processing
the ability to solve problems in the research and design of computer systems and networks based on knowledge of modern computer systems architectures, network technologies, methods of data protection
knowledge of general methodological principles of modern computer systems with various structures construction to provide high-performance data processing
the ability to solve problems in the research and design of computer systems and networks based on knowledge of modern computer systems architectures, network technologies, methods of data protection
Required prior and related subjects:
Computer architecture
Computer networks
Computer systems
Computer networks
Computer systems
Summary of the subject:
Concepts and Terminology. Computer systems and networks, their characteristics, properties and differences of their design. Basic principles of research, testing, debugging and monitoring. The structure of computer and computer system. Pipeline structures. RISC and CISC processors. Multi-core processors. FPGA in computer systems and networks design. Wireless computer networks. Cyber-physical systems. Computer systems and networks design tools.
Recommended Books:
1. Кіберфізичні системи: багаторівнева організація та проектування [Текст]: монографія – А.О. Мельник та інші. За редакцією професора А. О. Мельника. Львів: «Магнолія 2006», 2019. 238 с.
2. David A. Patterson, JohDavid Patterson, John Hennessy. Computer Organization and Design. The Hardware/Software Interface. 5th Edition. Pages: 800. Elsevier Science & Technology. 2013.
3. Marilyn Wolf. High-Performance Embedded Computing. Applications in Cyber-Physical Systems and Mobile Computing. 2nd Edition. Pages: 506. Elsevier Science & Technology. 2014.
2. David A. Patterson, JohDavid Patterson, John Hennessy. Computer Organization and Design. The Hardware/Software Interface. 5th Edition. Pages: 800. Elsevier Science & Technology. 2013.
3. Marilyn Wolf. High-Performance Embedded Computing. Applications in Cyber-Physical Systems and Mobile Computing. 2nd Edition. Pages: 506. Elsevier Science & Technology. 2014.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Oral examination, tests (30%)
Final control (70 %, control work, exam): written-oral form (70 %)
Final control (70 %, control work, exam): written-oral form (70 %)
Research and Design of Computer Systems and Networks (курсовий проект)
Major: Cyber-Physical Systems
Code of Subject: 7.123.04.O.4
Credits: 3
Department: Electronic Computing Machines
Lecturer: professor Hlukhov Valerii Serhiiovych
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
the ability to design and develop computer systems and networks at all levels of difficulty, make their components selection according to the requirements and operating conditions
knowledge of general methodological principles of modern computer systems with various structures construction to provide high-performance data processing
the ability to solve problems in the research and design of computer systems and networks based on knowledge of modern computer systems architectures, network technologies, methods of data protection
knowledge of general methodological principles of modern computer systems with various structures construction to provide high-performance data processing
the ability to solve problems in the research and design of computer systems and networks based on knowledge of modern computer systems architectures, network technologies, methods of data protection
Required prior and related subjects:
Computer architecture
Computer networks
Computer systems
Computer networks
Computer systems
Summary of the subject:
Concepts and Terminology. Computer systems and networks, their characteristics, properties and differences of their design. Basic principles of research, testing, debugging and monitoring. The structure of computer and computer system. Pipeline structures. RISC and CISC processors. Multi-core processors. FPGA in computer systems and networks design. Wireless computer networks. Cyber-physical systems. Computer systems and networks design tools.
Recommended Books:
1. Кіберфізичні системи: багаторівнева організація та проектування [Текст]: монографія – А.О. Мельник та інші. За редакцією професора А. О. Мельника. Львів: «Магнолія 2006», 2019. 238 с.
2. David A. Patterson, JohDavid Patterson, John Hennessy. Computer Organization and Design. The Hardware/Software Interface. 5th Edition. Pages: 800. Elsevier Science & Technology. 2013.
3. Marilyn Wolf. High-Performance Embedded Computing. Applications in Cyber-Physical Systems and Mobile Computing. 2nd Edition. Pages: 506. Elsevier Science & Technology. 2014.
2. David A. Patterson, JohDavid Patterson, John Hennessy. Computer Organization and Design. The Hardware/Software Interface. 5th Edition. Pages: 800. Elsevier Science & Technology. 2013.
3. Marilyn Wolf. High-Performance Embedded Computing. Applications in Cyber-Physical Systems and Mobile Computing. 2nd Edition. Pages: 506. Elsevier Science & Technology. 2014.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Final control (100 %, test): written-oral form (100 %)