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Major: Finance, Banking and Insurance
Code of Subject: 6.072.00.O.17
Credits: 3.5
Department: Theoretical and Applied Economics
Lecturer: Doctor of Economics, prof. Zh.V. Poplavska
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
The following programm study achievements reflect the results of teaching the given discipline:
1. Ability to show basic knowledge of the fundamental natural sciences, general history development regularities, economics, management and law, basic philosophic categories and scientific methods.
2. Ability to apply basic mathematical tools for realization of basic economic calculations with the aim of presenting information to the enterprise management for taking reasonable decisions.
3. Ability to analyze independently an enterprise activity by means of knowledge about general behavior regularities in different market models and about the mechanisms of taking optimal decisions by the microeconomic systems in the conditions of scarce resources with the aim of providing economic value.
4. Ability to work effectively both individually and in a team.
Required prior and related subjects:
Political economy, macroeconomics, history of economics and economic theories
Summary of the subject:
Microeconomics. Basics of supply and demand. Consumer behavior and theory of marginal utility. Design of the consumer behavior at the market of commodities. Market demand. Production theory. Production costs. Profit maximization and competitive supply. Topic: Economy of market of perfect competition. Market power: monopoly and monopsony. Theory of oligopoly. Market of monopolistic competition. Markets of resources. Capital investment, time and capital markets. General equilibrium and economic efficiency.
Recommended Books:
1. Поплавська Ж.В. Мікроекономіка. Теорія і практика української економіки: Навч. посібник [для студ. вищ. навч. закл.] / Поплавська Ж.В., Криса О.Й; - К.: Алерта, 2016. – 284 с.
2. Мікроекономіка [Текст] : Навчальний посібник. Частина 1 / [уклад.: Н.М. Нілова, Т.О. Семененко, Т.І. Гончарук, Д.В. Олексіч]; Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Українська академія банківської справи Національного банку України" м. Суми, 2014 . – 170 с.
3. Мікроекономіка : Підручник / [А.П. Наливайко, Л.А. Азьмук, П.Г. Банщиков та ін.] ; за наук. ред. А.П. Наливайка. – К.: КНЕУ, 2011. – 446 с.
4. Базілінська О.Я., Мініна О.В. Мікроекономіка [Текст]: Навчальний посібник/ За ред. Базілинської О.Я. 3 - е вид. випр. – Київ: «Центр навчальної літератури», 2009. – 352 с.
5. Ватаманюк О. Мікроекономіка. – Львів: Інтелект-Захід, 2014. – 378 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Testing the knowledge of the lecture course topics; verbal questioning; performance at the seminars (essays, presentations, discussions); situational tasks solutions, problem solving; fulfilling current control works; final control (examination).