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Master’s Thesis Internship

Major: Enterprise Economics
Code of Subject: 7.051.01.O.25
Credits: 12
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: associate professor Musiiovska O.B., associate professor Petrushka T.O., associate professor Zahoretska O.Ya.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
During practice, the student studies the complex issues of economic management of the enterprise under specific conditions, learns independently to solve real-world problems and acquires the appropriate skills.
The practice has the following objectives:
consolidation of theoretical knowledge obtained from management and decision making, mathematical and statistical analysis, information systems;
acquisition of practical work skills in planning-economic and information-analytical departments of enterprises, firms, financial bodies, banks;
collecting the necessary data to write a master's qualification work.
After completing the internship, the student is required to know:
legislative acts and normative documents on the directions of activity of the parent enterprise, related industries with which it cooperates;
basic methodological documents, regulations, standard instructions governing the economic, scientific and industrial activity of the enterprise;
sphere and directions of activity of the enterprise;
composition of property of the enterprise and sources of its formation;
characterization of the general, production, management and organizational structure of the enterprise, its mechanism of functioning;
foreign economic activity of the enterprise;
enterprise marketing system and strategy;
indicators of production capacity in the whole enterprise and in terms of its subdivisions;
personnel potential, structure of potential and personnel policy of the enterprise, forms and methods of organization of labor, its remuneration and stimulation;
state of innovation-investment activity and prospects of enterprise development;
system of plans and organization of internal firm planning;
formation of prime cost of commodity products, pricing policy;
the order of formation and use of profit;
system of taxes and obligatory payments of the enterprise;

methods and techniques of analysis of processes that occur in the economic activity of the enterprise.
be able to:
comprehensively analyze the situation at the enterprise;
independently solve tasks of economic activity of the enterprise, to carry out substantiation of development strategies;
to perform the necessary calculations of forecast, planned economic indicators, to analyze the financial activity of the enterprise with the appropriate economic assessment;
to prepare analytical reports on activity of its divisions;
to determine production reserves and to develop economically sound innovation-investment projects, integrated measures on resource saving, improvement of product quality, efficiency of activity and improvement of the financial state of the enterprise.
Required prior and related subjects:
Competitiveness of the enterprise
Strategic management of the enterprise
Economic management of the enterprise
financial management
Methods of empirical market research
Summary of the subject:
The main purpose of the practice on the topic of master's qualification work - practical and creative application of the acquired knowledge and acquired in the process of learning skills, development of research skills and solving practical problems, enriching the experience of business communication, collecting materials for writing master's qualification work and, most importantly, preparation to work independently in positions requiring master's qualification in the field of preparation 051 "Economics". The task of practice on the topic of master's qualification is: practical deepening of knowledge in all vocational-oriented disciplines of the curriculum; mastering the system of organization and mechanism of production management; familiarization with methodology of analysis and planning of indicators of activity of enterprise (firm), institution, organization; studied the general functions of the control unit and its interconnection with all services and units in the places of practice; the use of economic-mathematical methods and models, information technologies in the study of economic, industrial, social, financial processes; acquiring the skills to analyze and process information about production, social, financial processes with the help of application packages implemented at enterprises, firms or other places of practice. choosing a topic and drawing up a plan for master's (master's) qualification work.
Recommended Books:
Yankovyi OG Competitiveness of the enterprise: estimation of level and directions of increase: monograph [Text] / OG Yankov. - Odessa: Atlanta, 2013. - 470 p.
Brizhan I.A. Comparison of methods for assessing the competitiveness of the enterprise [Text] / IA Brizhan, V. Ya. - 2015. - № 4/5 (24). - P. 10 - 15.
Koshelyok GV Modern approaches to assessing the competitiveness of enterprises / GV Koshelyok / Theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of enterprise competitiveness: [monograph] / edited by Professor OG Yankov. - Odessa: Atlanta, 2017. - p. 236-247.

Economic development of structural subdivisions of the enterprise: evaluation, mechanism, motivation: monograph / [А.М. Turilo, A.A. Turilo, NV Romanchenko, S.V. Sviatenko]. - K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2009. - 303 p.
Economic management of the enterprise: training. tool. / [N. M. Evdokimova, LP Batenko, VA Verba, OO Kizenko, etc.]; for the total. ed. NM Evdokimova. - K .: KNEU, 2011. - 327p.
Economic management of the enterprise: training. tool. / [A. M. Kolosov, O. V. Kovalenko, S. K. Kucherenko, V. G. Bikova]; for the total. ed. AM Kolosov. - Starobilsk: State-view. closed “Lugan. Nat. Taras Shevchenko University, 2015. - 352 p.
Andrienko VM Strategic Management of Real Sector Enterprises: Mechanisms, Methods, Models: Monograph / [V. M. Andrienko and others]; Donetsk Nat. Univ. - Donetsk: DonNU, 2012.– 155 p.
Belova AI System of strategic management of restructuring
enterprises: goals, problems and prospects: monograph / AI Belova; Kiev. nat. Universities of architecture and architecture. - Kyiv: KNUBA, 2014. - 292 p.
Levkina RV Strategic Management of Production Activity
of vegetable enterprises: theory, methodology, practice: monograph / P. V. Levkin. - Kherson: Grin DS, 2013. - 318 p.
Yastremska OM Formation of enterprise relations with
subjects of the external environment: a monograph / OM Yastremskaya, VO Pismak. - Kharkov: View. KhNEU them. S. Kuznets, 2014. - 240 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Upon completion of the internship, students report on the completion of the internship program and individual assignment. A written report, signed and evaluated by the practitioner, with the assignment, is submitted to the department head of practice.
The report should include information about the student's completion of the practical and individual tasks, conclusions and suggestions, and a list of used literature.
The report is prepared in accordance with the requirements established by the department. Practice report is defended by students before a commission appointed by the department head.
The commission consists of 3 persons: heads of practice - from the university and, if possible, from the base of practice, as well as teachers of disciplines of professional training. A form of control over the results of the protection of a practice report is differentiated credit.
Practice reports are defended by students at the university for the first two weeks of study after completion of the internship. Appraisal for the practice is made in the form "Tasks and results of practice", the record sheet and in the student's record book and certified by the signatures of members of the commission.