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Commercial Activity of Intermediary Organizations

Major: Marketing
Code of Subject: 7.075.01.E.31
Credits: 5
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Myroslava M. Mamchyn, PhD., Associate Professor of Economies
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
Following the completion of the module the student should:
system of relationships with intermediaries and manufacturers
consumer goods and services; acquiring skills creativity
reserves and ways to improve the efficiency of trade
intermediaries; core business of commercial enterprises,
business organizations and entrepreneurs, traders in the exchange, distribution and
consumption of goods and services; methodological basis of commercial
activities that reflect its structure, logical organization, methods and
means of commercial transactions;
be able:
explore the market of goods, determine the requirements of consumers form
range of products have skills in the delivery of goods, their
reception, storage and forwarding services
Required prior and related subjects:
• prerekvizyt marketing, commodity market infrastructure, marketing product policy
• korekvizyts: management a brand, logistic of electronic trade
Summary of the subject:
The market and the business of brokering companies. Organizational forms of commercial enterprises. Business relationships and contractual relationship intermediaries conditions of sale and transport. The organization purchases and sales of products and provision of additional services. Material and technical base of business mediation companies. Methods of evaluating performance technical and organizational level intermediary companies and effectiveness of customer service. Working capital and business organization of settlements. Planning the cost of business. Pricing in commercial activities company. Psychology and ethics of business.
Recommended Books:
5 Рекомендована література 1. Комерційна діяльність на ринку товарів та послуг (За ред. проф. Апопія В. В., проф. Гончарука Я. А.), Львів, вид-во ЛКА, 2001. – 450 с.
2. Криковцева Н.О., Казакова О.Б., Саркісян Л.Г., Авдєєнко Л.Л., Дяченко Г.А., Курська Л.С., Сахарова О.Н. Комерційна діяльність –К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2007, - 296 с.
3. Тарасюк Г.М. Планування комерційної діяльності: Навч. посібник – К.: Каравела, 2005. – 400 с.
4. Виноградська А.М. Технологія комерційного підприємництва. Навчальний посібник. Київ: Центр навчальної літератури, 2006. – 780 с.
5. Мамчин М.М., Антонечко О.М., Савченко Ю.Т. Комерційна діяльність посередницьких організацій: Навч. посібник. Львів: Вид-во НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2015. - … с.
1. Commercial activity in the market of goods and services (Ed. Prof.
Apopiya V., prof. Goncharuk JA), Lviv, publishing house LKA, 2001. - 450 p.
2. Krykovtseva NA, Kazakov AB, Sarkisian LG, LL Avdeenko, Dyachenko
GA, Kursk LS Sakharov, AN K .: Commercial Activity Center
educational literature, 2007 - 296 p.
3. Tarasyuk GM Planning of business: Training. guide - K .:
Caravel, 2005. - 400 p.
4. Vinogradsky AM Commercial technology business. Educational
manual. Kyiv Center of educational literature, 2006. - 780 p.
5. Mamchyn M.M., Antonenko O.M., Savchenko J.T. Commercial activity of intermediary organizations : Train aid. Lviv: publishing House “Lvivska politechnika”, 2015.

Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control (25%): oral examination
• Final control (75%) tested.

Commercial Activity of Intermediary Organizations (курсовий проект)

Major: Marketing
Code of Subject: 7.075.01.E.34
Credits: 3
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Myroslava M. Mamchyn, PhD., Associate Professor of Economies
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
Following the completion of the module the student should:
system of relationships with intermediaries and manufacturers
consumer goods and services; acquiring skills creativity
reserves and ways to improve the efficiency of trade
intermediaries; core business of commercial enterprises,
business organizations and entrepreneurs, traders in the exchange, distribution and
consumption of goods and services; methodological basis of commercial
activities that reflect its structure, logical organization, methods and
means of commercial transactions;
be able:
explore the market of goods, determine the requirements of consumers form
range of products have skills in the delivery of goods, their
reception, storage and forwarding services
Required prior and related subjects:
• prerekvizyt marketing, commodity market infrastructure, marketing product policy
• korekvizyts: management a brand, logistic of electronic trade
Summary of the subject:
Concrete market of commodities analysis. Features of intermediary activity are at the commodity market. Marketing decisions of mediators are at the market. Determination of efficiency of activity of resellers.
Recommended Books:
1. Commercial activity in the market of goods and services (Ed. Prof.
Apopiya V., prof. Goncharuk JA), Lviv, publishing house LKA, 2001. - 450 p.
2. Krykovtseva NA, Kazakov AB, Sarkisian LG, LL Avdeenko, Dyachenko
GA, Kursk LS Sakharov, AN K .: Commercial Activity Center
educational literature, 2007 - 296 p.
3. Tarasyuk GM Planning of business: Training. guide - K .:
Caravel, 2005. - 400 p.
4. Vinogradsky AM Commercial technology business. Educational
manual. Kyiv Center of educational literature, 2006. - 780 p.
5. Mamchyn M.M., Antonenko O.M., Savchenko J.T. Commercial activity of intermediary organizations : Train aid. Lviv: publishing House “Lvivska politechnika”, 2015.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control (25%): oral examination
• Final control (75%) tested.

Commercial Activity of Intermediary Organizations

Major: Marketing
Code of Subject: 7.075.01.E.39
Credits: 5
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Myroslava M. Mamchyn, PhD., Associate Professor of Economies
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
Following the completion of the module the student should:
system of relationships with intermediaries and manufacturers
consumer goods and services; acquiring skills creativity
reserves and ways to improve the efficiency of trade
intermediaries; core business of commercial enterprises,
business organizations and entrepreneurs, traders in the exchange, distribution and
consumption of goods and services; methodological basis of commercial
activities that reflect its structure, logical organization, methods and
means of commercial transactions;
be able:
explore the market of goods, determine the requirements of consumers form
range of products have skills in the delivery of goods, their
reception, storage and forwarding services
Required prior and related subjects:
• prerekvizyt marketing, commodity market infrastructure, marketing product policy
• korekvizyts: management a brand, logistic of electronic trade
Summary of the subject:
The market and the business of brokering companies. Organizational forms of commercial enterprises. Business relationships and contractual relationship intermediaries conditions of sale and transport. The organization purchases and sales of products and provision of additional services. Material and technical base of business mediation companies. Methods of evaluating performance technical and organizational level intermediary companies and effectiveness of customer service. Working capital and business organization of settlements. Planning the cost of business. Pricing in commercial activities company. Psychology and ethics of business.
Recommended Books:
1. Commercial activity in the market of goods and services (Ed. Prof.
Apopiya V., prof. Goncharuk JA), Lviv, publishing house LKA, 2001. - 450 p.
2. Krykovtseva NA, Kazakov AB, Sarkisian LG, LL Avdeenko, Dyachenko
GA, Kursk LS Sakharov, AN K .: Commercial Activity Center
educational literature, 2007 - 296 p.
3. Tarasyuk GM Planning of business: Training. guide - K .:
Caravel, 2005. - 400 p.
4. Vinogradsky AM Commercial technology business. Educational
manual. Kyiv Center of educational literature, 2006. - 780 p.
5. Mamchyn M.M., Antonenko O.M., Savchenko J.T. Commercial activity of intermediary organizations : Train aid. Lviv: publishing House “Lvivska politechnika”, 2015.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control (25%): oral examination
• Final control (75%) tested.