Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
Programming Robotic Production Processes
Major: Robotico-mechanical systems and complexes
Code of Subject: 7.131.01.E.24
Credits: 3
Department: Mechanics and Automation of Mechanical Engineering
Lecturer: Bogdan Savchyn
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
- to know and implement in the production process the functionality of CNC metalcutting equipment, machine tool complexes of automated production;
- to be able make programs for the CNC machines, plan and conduct research improving production activities, methods of calculation and prepare information and coding and programming;
- to be able to conduct a rational range of equipment for processing parts;
- make and enter the in CNC work programs.
- to be able make programs for the CNC machines, plan and conduct research improving production activities, methods of calculation and prepare information and coding and programming;
- to be able to conduct a rational range of equipment for processing parts;
- make and enter the in CNC work programs.
Required prior and related subjects:
- descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics;
- theory of machines and mechanisms;
- circuit design of control systems;
- flexible automated discrete industries.
- theory of machines and mechanisms;
- circuit design of control systems;
- flexible automated discrete industries.
Summary of the subject:
Bases of theory of geometric coding, technology and supporting information. The content of the program modules preparatory and auxiliary functions. The coordinate systems and their relationship with the executive parts of the machine. Programming the typical transitions in the processing of parts for turning, milling, drilling and multioperational machines. Programming the method routines. Program methods of correction of dimensional processing. Debugging tools and input programs in CNC.
Recommended Books:
1. Гевко Б. М., Матвійчик А. Б. Технологія обробки на верстатах з ЧПК. Навчальний посібник. – Тернопіль, ТДТУ. 2004р. 131с.
2. Кузнєцов Ю. М. Верстати з ЧПК та верстатні комплекси.- К. – Тернопіль; ТОВ «ЗМОК» - ПП «ГНОЗИС» 2003р. 294с.
3. Р.І. Гжіров, П.П. Серебряніцький. Програмування обробки на верстатах з ЧПК. Ленінград. «Машинобудування» Ленінградське відділення. 1990р. 591с.
2. Кузнєцов Ю. М. Верстати з ЧПК та верстатні комплекси.- К. – Тернопіль; ТОВ «ЗМОК» - ПП «ГНОЗИС» 2003р. 294с.
3. Р.І. Гжіров, П.П. Серебряніцький. Програмування обробки на верстатах з ЧПК. Ленінград. «Машинобудування» Ленінградське відділення. 1990р. 591с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- written reports of laboratory work, oral examination, reference work (30%);
- final control (exam): written, oral form (70%).
- final control (exam): written, oral form (70%).